Im seeing more people asking What is the point of this Common Core - TopicsExpress


Im seeing more people asking What is the point of this Common Core crap, WHAT is it? Reposting for those still in the dark on this insidious grab for our childrens minds...a starting point for their own research: __________________________________________________________ Common Core - Cloaked in Secrecy and Lies...What is it hiding? Common Core is a Federal Government power grab disguised as are-vamping of our nations educational system. An educational system that, with all its supposed flaws, managed to produce people who put a man on the moon and gave the world the internet. Why is it that by 2011, 45 States (Blue and Red) had officially adopted Common Core standards, yet by 2013 62% of Americans said that theyd never even heard of it?! Why did the Governors who did so, do it without discussing, disclosing or debating it with their tax paying constituents...the very people it concerns the most?! As with ANYTHING political, follow the MONEY if youre seeking answers. Bill Gates is THE major player in the Common Core grab for our childrens minds. In 2013 alone he contributed over 200 million dollars to encourage the creation and adoption of Common Core. Pure altruism on his part? NO, merely an investment in Gates socialist vision and his company Inbloom, which stood to make $2-$5 per student for the privilege of participating in the student data mining scheme, despite being listed as a non-profit entity. (Inbloom has thankfully been shut down permanently due to the avalanche of parental objections about student privacy. Theres NOTHING more dangerous to a political career than angry mothers sensing their children are being threatened. Common Cores data mining is quickly becoming the proverbial third rail for the elected.) Other recipients of Gates dollars are the National Governors Association (grr, another ENTIRE expose waiting to be written), the Fordham Institute, Achieve, Inc., the U.S. Dept. of Education, the Council of Chief State School Officers, the Foundation for Excellence in Education, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. WOW, those billions are buying a lot of reform for our children, dont you think? When Race to the Top began, it dangled quite a carrot in front of schools who were feeling the effects of the recession in 2008-09, a carrot worth 4.35 BILLION dollars. Common Core was insidiously included in that bait. So, why did 45 Governors, Democrat and Republican alike, sign on to a program that had hidden in its grant application requirements a stipulation that in order to apply for some of the 4.35 BILLION up for grabs, Presidents of our State public universities and colleges had to agree that if an incoming student passed a Common Core standardized exam in a course, i.e, Algebra II, the institution would not be allowed to put the student in remedial courses? This, despite the fact that over 40% of college freshmen NEED remedial mathematics, and over 60% need remediation of some kind?! Essentially meaning students will not be properly prepared, and over time, the bar will have to be lowered, the content of courses will have to drop to accommodate the students and the dumbing down of our children will be all but complete! Common Core has NO track record, no evidence that it will indeed help our children. On the contrary, there is a track record that glaringly highlights the fact that Common Core is substandard and detrimental to them. It diminishes literary study in English Language Arts and lowers the standards of our Higher Learning Institutions. Dr. Sandra Stotsky, former Sr. Associate Commissioner in the Massachusetts Dept. of Education, and Dr. Jim Milgram, Mathmetician, Full Professor at Stanford University, were the ONLY ELA and Mathematics content specialists on the 30 member Common Core Validation Committee. Dr. Stotsky states that the members were required to sign Confidentiality Agreements, much for Sunshine Laws, huh? Drs. Stotsky and Milgram were 2 of 5 committee members who refused to sign off on Common Core, with Dr. Stotsky citing the FALSE statements claiming that Common Core was internationally benchmarked, or that it followed appropriate procedures as notable reasons for her refusal to sign off on the validation. A total of 5 out of the 30 member committee refused to sign off on the validation, an unusually high number for such a committee. More conspicuous is the fact that the 5 members refusals were not even noted in a subsequent letter released by the committee, which is the norm, rather, their participation was simply omitted from its list of participating members! The Pearson-Gates connection and role in Common Core is also a matter of interest, concern and public record. Pearsons role in Common Core is DATA MINING. Joy Pullman, Heartland Institute Education Research Fellow, states The Administration has essentially re-written Federal privacy regulations without the approval of Congress- to claim that information on children can be shared without parental knowledge or consent. As part of the agreements signed between state governments and the federally backed consortia, Pullmann explained in the interview, data gathered on children at school will be provided to the organizations. As an example of the types of data being sought, she said one of the consortia was interested in information on “student behavior, their attitudes, their persistence, their discipline, and so forth — a lot of non-academic things that a lot of parents arent comfortable with.” “The real goal is social engineering,” Pullmann said, echoing widespread concerns among Common Core critics across the political spectrum. “I dont like to use explosive sorts of things like that, but this is very obvious — the goal is to create a workforce that responds to the needs of the 21st century, as determined by the central planners.” Dr. Duke Pesta, who also serves as academic director at FreedomProject Education and an English professor at the University of Wisconsin, recently compared the effort to impose Common Core and associated government schemes on the American people to a frog being boiled alive over time. In the latest interview, he said that FPE, an online K-12 school offering classical education, has been working with Catholic schools. Many have been adopting Common Core standards in the mistaken belief that it would not pull them closer to the federal government, which Pesta noted had become increasingly hostile to Christianity and religious freedom. Bill Gates, who has donated, and/or invested, MILLIONS in this pursuit of Socialized education wants to take data mining one creepier step further with a 500 million dollar grant for a pilot study using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) bracelets!! Why do they want bracelets with wireless sensors for our children and teachers that can gauge physiological reactions? Whats the purpose of this research? So..what are these bracelets for? They are intended to help students and teachers gain a better understanding of how and when students are most engaged in the classroom. Diane Ravitch, a leading education expert who is now Reasearch Professor of Education at NYU, has been writing about the controversy on her blog, and states Im sorry, I think this is madness. Is there a mad scientist or psychologist advising the Gates Foundation? Does Dr. Moreau work in Gates lab in Seattle? As you can see, Common Core and its proponents, are about POWER; the usurping of YOUR power to elect your own school boards, YOUR power to have a voice in your schools curriculum, YOUR power to safeguard your childrens privacy, YOUR power to decide what your children are exposed to. We HAVE national tests already, the SATs and ACTs,-both VOLUNTARY. What Common Core is proposing will be COMPULSORY. Common Core seeks a centralized system, a system where a childs individuality or unique talents and/or weaknesses are of no importance; virtually Marxist! (They know better than you the parent). We are a society based on self-governance, State Sovereignty, and an individuals rights...NOT collectivism, socialism, nor dictatorial decrees, The preservation of our society, and its entire future, is rooted in our children. Common Core takes away individualism, creativity, expression, growth and choice. It results in gray, stifled, minimalized, talentless drones. This fight for our children transcends party lines, it encompasses us as a nation, as one.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:15:14 +0000

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