In Honor of my father who gave me the keys to understand the - TopicsExpress


In Honor of my father who gave me the keys to understand the Universe. En lhonneur de mon père, qui a donné les clés de lunivers Zu Ehren meines Vaters gab die Schlüssel zum Universum För att hedra min far som gav nycklarna till universumبه В честь моего отца, который дал ключи от Вселеннойافتخار پدرم که کلید را به جهان داد 私の父の宇宙への鍵を与えた人に敬意を表して In onore di mio padre che ha dato le chiavi alluniverso En honor a mi padre que le dio las llaves al universo
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:21:10 +0000

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