Insert 30 three months later bendingeka mvumi uNtando I was - TopicsExpress


Insert 30 three months later bendingeka mvumi uNtando I was busy with my school work grade leven was not an easy class at all it had a lot of responsibilities and I couldnt do other stuff like dating, dating was the last thing on my mind, although I liked the guy. Friday morning I woke up ironed my school uniform ndabavusa and quickly took a bath. When I was ready I combed my hair and went to have breafast 5 minuets later others joined me. Mama and makazi had already left for work. Me: Hahahaha anihlambanga nina Sipho: Sbetthe nje umthatha nezphaluka Pretty: Shlamba nje ezo zinamavumba the rest is okay. Inalo: Oomama bayeka nosvusa ngoku? Me: Ndothuswa yilonto nam. Sipho: Or maybe nabo bebe late. Oh by the way mama got help from those social workers Lelethu is now staying eHome of Hope apho kuhlala khona abantwana abahlukunyezwayo kunye nabangena bazali. Kumnandi pha ngendlela yokuba shes now free and safe no one will ever lay a hand on her although its not family but shes surrounded by people who love and encourage her to become a better person in life and not end up like her mother, I was happy and I thanked God that my wish of helping Lelethu has been fulfiled. We finished eating, took our school bags and left with Pretty locking up behind us. Sipho: Ukhaleze xawubuya Hlehle I want you to accimpany me I smiled Me: Sure Inalo: What about us? Sipho: What about you? Nalo: Nathi scela uhamba Sipho: Ndinemali yokhwelisa uHlehle qha. Nalo: Dont worry Ndinayo mna imali enough for both pretty. Sipho: Inoba nizozihambela eyenu indlela ke mna ndihamba noNomhle and thats not up for discussion. They got into the texi and left for school. We arrived at school and went our seperate ways i got to class and went over to my desk. Me: Good morniiiiiiiiing They laughed you must be insane some said. You see thats the thing about me I loved everyone in my class they were my second family. Ndayalwa ngumama nomakazi when coming to high school that ndingaphaphi kwayw ndizilinde into zomjolo I noted that. In high school kukhona abantu who change their personalities just because they want to satisfy others they want to fit in groups so much that a person would do anything even if it means going against your principles. Mna ke I promised myself that Ill never accept negetive peer presure I will stick to my principles and values, I associated myself with good friends and an honest best friend Entle. During break time Entle and i went to buy some snakes. Entle: Uyapikwa umntu wakho sisi ngathi ngewuvuka emaqandeni. Me: Andikamvumi tshoma ndsamfunda ukba unjani na. Entle: Yamfunda? Is he a book nangoku? Look friend ure inlove with the guy icacile whats more to think about? I like lento uyenzayo yiqale ume kqala ungamvumi zisuka usabe uzhlaza apha kube ngathi kdala umxhinele. We bought our snakes ate them on our way to class the bell rang safika eklasini. Lessons went well saphuma iskolo. Me: Bye guys. I was talking to Entle, Lulo and Sakhie. Entle: sundshiya Me: hurry up she packed all her things and we left Her: Utheni wangxama kangaka? Me: Ndyakhutshwa she screamed in excitement Her: Pracious Me: Haha no Sipho her smile fadee away Her: Umshiyelani kengoku uP Me: Zondfumana ekhaya. We were just talking on our way about everything wqgoduka nam ndagoduka. W When I got home I washedmy face, got dressed and did my hair again then Sipho arrived naye and change his uniform after we were done we grabbed apples from the fridge and we left and got into the texi. Me: So siyaphi? Sipho: To meet my girlfriend for the second time Me: Hahahaha tjo awuzithethi izinto nja so nibonenep. Sipho: at a resturant ngokuya bendize etown sizkhuphile namajita. Me: Oh I see so yamncanye? Sipho:Blind joe yhooo she s my lover hayi njee Me: Im so happy for you. Sipho: Enkoc mtase i hugged him sehla in the texi and he called his girlfriend and asked ukba uphi wamxelela then saya. Sipho: She says she cant wait to finally meet you. I smiled. Me: Me too Sithe sisahamba njalo ndabona uSipho seyi hug(a) umntu maybe itshis girlfriend ntonayo uze behind us maybe she wanted to suprise us I was all smiles then they broke the hug. Y Yhoooo i could not believe my eyes Thapelo! SIpho: baby thi...... Me: Syazana Sipho: oh really? So nazana phi? Me: Trust me you dont wanna know I was staring at Thapelo the whole time she was teary. Sipho: Baby ktheni wafuna ukhala guys you are confusing me please tell me whats going on. A tear escaped her eye oh this is unbilievable. ME: Yakwazi ukhala wena ngoku after what you put me and my mother through what goes around comes around. Her: Im sorry she said with a shaky voic. Me: Mamela apha abantu abazenzi ukuba mabahlupheke akumnandanga ukuhlepheka sisi ungaboze uphinde uyenze lanto wayenzayo I hope learnt from it eyokuba ubeRIch and a spoilt brat yayingandifuni mna. I walked away and stoped and looked at her she was now crying. ME: By the way you are forgiven I turned around and finnally walked away. I forgave her really because I dO not believe in holding grudges by being bitter and holding grudges will only toture me nam ndizobe ndiyazingcungcuthekisa and its not like having a grudge or hatred will change what has been said or happened. SO why dont make peace with it an move on?
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 14:12:59 +0000

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