Islam, there are many telling the lie that the DOMINION that - TopicsExpress


Islam, there are many telling the lie that the DOMINION that stretched from NORTH AFRICA to the AMERICAS was still stretching that far in 1927. but lets look at what the HKMSTA says; HKMSTA 47:6-7 6. The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite bretheren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking new homes. 7. Their dominion and inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Africa, across great Atlantis even unto the present North, South, and Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands; before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean. 8. The River Nile was dredged and made by the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt, in order to trade with the surrounding kingdoms. Also the Niger river was dredged by the great Pharaoh of Egypt in those ancient days for trade, and it extends eastward from the River Nile, westward across the great Atlantic. It was used for trade and transportaion. now, let me point out the word DREDGED, what does that mean, it means at one point the RIVER didnt exist, or was not as long or big as it is now, then someone came along and started DREDGING it, until they COMPLETED DREDGIING it, and it went from DREDGE+ING to DREDGE+ED, a COMPLETED WORK/TASK, thus the -ED lets us know it is speaking in a PAST TENSE. thats how -ED works in English Grammar. now, we see in verse 8 the words IT EXTENDS, that means that in 1927 what was being talked about STILL EXISTED, and IT (that which still existed) EXTENDS (EXTEND+S). now, going back to verse 7, we see the words THEIR DOIMINION AND INHABITATION EXTENDED, firstly, this means the dominion AND inhabitation are NOT the same things, as you can LIVE SOMEWHERE and NOT HAVE DOMINION (sovereign jurisdiction). EXTEND: early 14c., to value, assess; late 14c. to stretch out, lengthen, from Anglo-French estendre (late 13c.), Old French estendre stretch out, extend, increase, from Latin extendere stretch out, from ex- out (see ex-) + tendere to stretch (see tenet). Related: Extended; extending. EXTEND: 1. to draw out or be drawn out; stretch 2. to last for a certain time: his schooling extended for three years 3. ( intr ) to reach a certain point in time or distance: the land extends five miles 4. ( intr ) to exist or occur: the trees extended throughout the area 5. ( tr ) to increase (a building, etc) in size or area; add to or enlarge 6. ( tr ) to broaden the meaning or scope of: the law was extended 7. ( tr ) to put forth, present, or offer: to extend greetings 8. to stretch forth (an arm, etc) 9. ( tr ) to lay out (a body) at full length 10. ( tr ) to strain or exert (a person or animal) to the maximum 11. ( tr ) to prolong (the time originally set) for payment of (a debt or loan), completion of (a task), etc 12. ( tr ) accounting a. to carry forward b. to calculate the amount of (a total, balance, etc) 13. ( tr ) law (formerly in England) to value or assess (land) [C14: from Latin extendere to stretch out, from tendere to stretch]. now, this dominion and inhabitation EXTENDED, with an -ED on it, that means the EXTEND was FINISHED or ENDED in 1927. now those who want to FOLLOW what they want to FOLLOW, and IGNORE the word EXTENDED, say that the word PRESENT in the statement even unto the present North, South, and Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands, means in 1927, and they are HALF RIGHT, it does, and it doesnt. what was named NORTH, CENTRAL, SOUTH AMERICA and the ISLANDS presently exist, but as we see in the word EXTENDED, it NO LONGER EXIST, so why say to the PRESENT ones, well firstly, it doesnt say to the PRESENT UNITED STATES or CANADA, does it??? no, it says to the PRESENT NORTH, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA, land masses, NOT COUNTRIES (except in naming MEXICO, which is in CENTRAL AMERICA). but wh not say the PRESENT USA, CANADA and MEXICO??? it is because it was talking about the PRESENT STATE of the CONTINENTS, as the CONTINENTS were NOT always in their PRESENT FORM, thats why when we CONTINUE to read the rest of the TEXT, it all comes into PROPER CONTEXT... before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean., this is not saying the DOMINION EXISTED before the CONTINENTS SPLIT, because they SPLIT over 200 MILLION YEARS AGO, it is saying BEFORE THE CONTINENTS CAME INTO THEIR PRESENT STATE, thus, the DOMINION of the NORTH AFRICANS reached THE MODERN/PRESENTLY FORMED NORTH, SOUTH and CENTRAL AMERICA, not the OLDER/ANCIENT FORMS, as they did not EXIST as they EXIST now. go look up how PANGEA (the last SUPERCONTINENT) turned into LAURASIA and GONDWANALAND, etc. in fact INDIA was originally part of EGYPT and SUDAN accoding to their maps of the DRIFTING APART of the continents. the EARTHQUAKE that SPLIT them was an EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT during the TRIASIC PERIOD; The Triassic is a geological period and system that extends from about 250 to 200 Ma (252.2 ± 0.5 to 201.3 ± 0.2 million years ago). It is the first period of the Mesozoic Era, and lies between the Permian and Jurassic periods. Both the start and end of the period are marked by major extinction events. The Triassic was named in 1834 by Friedrich von Alberti, after the three distinct rock layers (tri meaning three) that are found throughout Germany and northwestern Europe—red beds, capped by marine limestone, followed by a series of terrestrial mud- and sandstaones—called the Trias. The Triassic began in the wake of the PErmian-Triassic extinction event, which left the Earths biosphere impoverished; it would take well into the middle of the period for life to recover its former diversity. Therapsids and archosaurs were the chief terrestrial vertebrates during this time. A specialized subgroup of archosaurs, dinosaurs, first appeared in the Late Triassic but did not become dominant until the succeeding Jurassic. The first true mammals, themselves a specialized subgroup of Therapsids also evolved during this period, as well as the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, who like the dinosaurs were a specialized subgroup of archosaurs. The vast supercontinent of Pangea existed until the mid-Triassic, after which it began to gradually rift into two separate landmasses, Laurasia to the north and Gondwana to the south. The global climate during the Triassic was mostly hot and dry, with deserts spanning much of Pangaeas interior. However, the climate shifted and became more humid as Pangaea began to drift apart. The end of the period was marked by yet another major mass extinction, wiping out many groups and allowing dinosaurs to assume dominance in the Jurassic. (wikipedia) and; The continents played tug-of-war a few hundred million years ago. South America came pushing on New Orleans. Africa pushed and pulled on the Carolinas. (See further down this page.) As many as 20 glaciers [Illinois State Museum] came and went. North America tried to break in two, twice, at New Madrid. The pulling and pushing allowed hot magma from the earths inner core to rise through deep cracks and collect as plutons nearer the surface (see illustrations below). The dense plutons tend to pull down the land around them, form rifts and faults and further destabilize the seismic area. Quakes frequently happen near plutons. They are named for Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld. Pictured below is a landmark pluton, Devils Tower in Wyoming, 200 miles east of Yellowstone National Park, exposed by erosion. See maps down this page for plutons in Southeast Missouri. Earthquakes are natures way of relieving tension. The continents are still changing. When the Missouri dinosaur became trapped in a fault west of Cape Girardeau, the Great Plains was still a great lake. Sir Francis Bacon noticed on maps of 300 years ago that the continents seemed to fit together. Species also fit. More than 600 million years ago, in the Proterozoic Era, the area now known as the Mississippi Embayment was pushed upward by molten rock from the underlying mantle. Faults formed, and over many millions of years, a rift structure now known as the Reelfoot Rift developed. Dense mantle material was injected into the lower crust, creating a pillow-shaped structure which was heavier than the surrounding rocks. As the upwelling ceased, the entire rift subsided, and filled with sediments eroded from its flanks. Then seas covered the area, laying down thick sequences of sediments which eventually hardened into limestones, sandstones and shales. During the Mesozoic Era, about 200 million years ago, rifting took place along the east coast of North America as the Atlantic Ocean began to open, resulting in the continent being stretched or extended, and in the Reelfoot Rift being pulled apart in a new episode of rifting. Plutons (deep reservoirs of magma) formed along the flanks and axis of the rift, as molten rock moved upward along the ancient faults and then cooled before reaching the surface. Once again the rifting ceased and again, the ocean advanced over the area and receded; this time the sands, clays and gravels it deposited were not buried deeply enough, or long enough to become rock. At Memphis, this prism of unconsolidated material is approximately 3200 feet thick and covers the terrain from Little Rock, AR to the Tennessee River. It is the reactivation of these ancient buried faults under the stress of continuous intracontinental pressure from the east and west (called a compressive stress regime) that is responsible for the earthquakes occurring in the NMSZ at present. The continuous pressure results in strain energy accumulating in the buried faults, a very small portion of which is released in the numerous low-magnitude earthquakes recorded in the NMSZ each year. (Ann G. Metzger and Jill Stevens Johnston, Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis). so the word PRESENT is not speaking about the DOMINION at all. if the NORTH AFRICANS RULED NORTH AMERICA, there would be NO NEED for us to BE AMERICAN CITIZENS under the FREE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION of the REPUBLIC of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, we would all be CITIZENS of that NORTH AFRICAN DOMINION. but there is not one here now, and there wasnt one in 1927. people are always trying to pass off their make believe and blame it on the GREAT PROPHET (asa), stop the folly. there WAS a NORTH AFRICAN DOMINION that EXTENDED here from AFRICA, but NOT ANY LONGER, not for a few hundred years. or maybe people havent notice that the USA has been in power over most of SOUTHERN NORTH AMERICA since 1774, and the EUROPEANS have held power here since before that. its a little thing called REALITY. but dont listen to me, go to the UNITED NATIONS and ask EVERY COUNTRY in it, including MOROCCO (who signed a treaty with them back in the 1700s), who is SOVEREIGN HERE TODAY??? we dont need MAKE BELIEVE (THE MERE IDEAS OF MEN), we need the WHOLE DIVINE TRUTH (ALL OF THE KORANS and ALL OF THE NATURAL SCIENCES), so we can REALLY BE SUCCESSFUL. indeed... True and Divine Peace (HKMSTA 46:8-9). Prince Ka Amir Saadi-El, 2nd SGS.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:32:13 +0000

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