It is possible to suppress the efficiency of his healing powers. - TopicsExpress


It is possible to suppress the efficiency of his healing powers. For example, if an object composed of carbonadiumis inserted and remains lodged within his body, his healing powers are slowed dramatically. [ 79 ]The Muramasablade, a katanaof mystic origins that can inflict wounds that nullify superhuman healing factors, can also suppress Wolverines powers. [ 80 ]It has also once been noted that Wolverine needs protein for his healing factor to generate tissue, meaning that if he was seriously injured and malnourished, his body might not be able to repair itself. [ 81 ] It has been suggested that Wolverine can be killed by drowning. [ 82 ]He has stated that he is not particularly fond of being in water, due partially to the additional weight of his adamantium laced skeleton, and that he can die if held under water long enough with his healing factor only prolonging the agony. [ 83 ]The two part story arc, Drowning Logan finds Wolverine trapped under water for an extensive period of time. [ 84 ]The second part of the story arc hints that this time underwater gravely affects his healing factor with significant consequences to his health going forward. [ 85 ] [ 86 ]Following the events of Drowning Logan, Beastreveals that an intelligent virus originating from the Microversehas shut off his healing factor, though not before his healing factor was able to purge his body of the virus itself. As a result, Beast states that hes now as susceptible to injury and disease as any ordinary human and ages at a normal rate. [ 51 ] InWolverinevol. 3, #57 it is revealed that, when Wolverine is injured so seriously that his body actually dies before his healing factor can repair the damage, he returns to life by fighting with Azrael, the Angel of Death, while trapped in Purgatory, due to Wolverine defeating Azrael in combat in the real world during the First World War. [ 87 ]However, after Wolverines soul was damaged following his resurrection and brainwashing by the Hand, he made a new deal with Azrael to repair the damage that had been done to his soul that negated their previous arrangement, with the result that, the next time Wolverine sustains death-inducing injuries, he will remain dead, and his healing factor has apparently been slightly weakened in the process. [ 88 ] A study by the University of British Columbiastates that Wolverines healing factor resembles the axolotls ability to regenerate lost limbs. It suggests that a novel protein—which the studys authors dubbed Howlett—found in tissue samples taken from him, and which resembles the Amblox protein found in axolotl but is much more efficient, is responsible for Wolverines rapid regeneration. [ 89 ] Due to a combination of his healing factor and high level psionicshields implanted by Professor Xavier, Wolverines mind is highly resistant to telepathicassault and probing. [ 90 ]Wolverines mind also possesses what he refers to as mental scar tissue created by all of the traumatic events over the course of his life. It acts as a type of natural defense, even against a psychic as powerful as Emma Frost. [ 91 ]
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:32:00 +0000

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