Its days like today that I feel like updating my good cyber - TopicsExpress


Its days like today that I feel like updating my good cyber friends. For the most part, I am still residing in NC: Making daily improvements in physical therapy, enjoying my free time with the people I love, and mentally getting through this pausing moment of my career. As I continue to visualize all the beautiful things in store for my future, I stay thankful to everyone that has faithfully stuck beside me. I wish there was a way to press fast forward to get through the slow times...However, I realize I can take this time to make self improvements and to find good balance. For that, I certainly could use all the time in the world to better myself. I hope to see lots of familiar faces around here (especially though the Holidays). If not, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. x
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:01:19 +0000

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