Its not everyday someone does something that instantly pisses me - TopicsExpress


Its not everyday someone does something that instantly pisses me off especially after the great day I had today Maloney was so much vybz Rio Claro was awesome. But the devil so busy is unbelievable. People who cant seem to separate the professional from the personal need to calm to FOUL FOOT down. If you cant take criticism then dont put yourself in a position to receive it. If you wanna party and hold church office fine thats your choice I dont know who you fooling though, but when I put my foot down on something because as leaders we represent a standard that must be upheld in the church and you think I not supporting you that right there is a special kinda stupid that you posses within the regions of your metal faculty if there is one at all. In addition to this planning an event granted circumstances wont always go as planned but the point of planning is to remove those that are most common i.e. transport if you wanna carry people somewhere, now I dont have some degree in event coordination or event planning but if you dont know how much people going how can you provide transport for them and also if youre car pooling at least trying to confirm how much cars may be available would be something along the lines of common sense which clearly youre lacking but like I said I dont have paper work in this field so I guess my common knowledge has no weight in this. But the most upsetting in all of this is you send me a request, on social media not being one to mix business and personal matters decide to accept and hence acknowledge your presence on this earth no matter how insignificant it may be in my eyes and the said response from this individual is. Dont talk to me.... you dont know how to talk to people... Dont message me ever again............. Ok. To said individual you clearly need to do 3 things. 1. Know your roll in life and dont for a second over thing your value to me because there is none. 2. Take your hypocritical delirious carcass and deposit it somewhere where my senses arent incapacitated by just the presence of your particles within the same atmosphere where I reside... The same place you fete and possibly got skin out is a good place to go. 3 Dont ever let God escape your thoughts and feel that you posses some minute sort of authority or backbone to begin to insinuate any sort of statement toward me in any form that resembles instructions because no disrespect to your parents but you clearly have an extra Y in your chromosomes count..... unbirth yourself and start over because you are a failure at respect to yourself and to your parents. Your half life count is at an end you no longer exists, dissipate into nothingness because you are and never will be anything more. #orbitaljumpinghomosapiens #severelydisgusted
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:48:13 +0000

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