Ive been monitoring National Weather Service Jackson and - TopicsExpress


Ive been monitoring National Weather Service Jackson and Louisville discussion boards, along with the Storm Prediction Center , so far, so good. The precip shield is to the I65 corridor, with storms decreasing in intensity. An hour ago several tornado warnings word issued with this line. I expect weakening storms to arrive in the Bluegrass in a couple hours, here in the east, its looking more and more like a dry and unseasonably warm October night. Some showers could ease in from the south, but not likely. I see no reason for anyone to stay up, Ill be back at it early in the morning, because it may be mid to late morning when our Live Action begins. Its a complex storm, a lot can still change, but for now, thanks, Lord! Get some rest..
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:56:07 +0000

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