Ive been thinking about whether I would make this post because I - TopicsExpress


Ive been thinking about whether I would make this post because I suspect many here will not find it particularly popular but we need to be honest in our appraisal of our failure and sometimes the truth hurts. In the wake of the crushing disappointment of the referendum result I want you to imagine how disappointed you would be if this was the result you didnt want but still expected. I so wanted to believe that yes would win. That hope would win out over fear. that the better angels of our nature would see and feel what was possible. There was still the small portion of my soul that has spent the last year grieving for what would not be even though I went through the motions to do what I could to help. Ever since the referendum was announced Ive been alarmed by the SNP strategy of envisioning Indy Scotland a social democratic lefty utopia by believing the oft told myth that Scotland equals the left. Ive said all along the Scotland is an inherently conservative country and we now have proof of this in the referendum result. The SNP never tried to convince the centre and the right. The fact is that there are conservative voices that that could have tipped the balance toward yes if they hadnt been deliberately sidelined. Groups such as Business for Scotland, Scottish Democratic Alliance, Wealthy Nation and Centre Right for Yes should have all had a more prominent role. Before you go out in a mad rush to join the SNP, before you get too excited about the 45% perhaps you should consider the 55% and the 5% plus one vote who might have been persuaded if yes had but tried. scottishdemocraticalliance.org/229-a-failure-of-strategy-a-look-back-at-why-yes-scotland-lost-the-referendum
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:16:23 +0000

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