Ive tried to stay quiet about the things that have gone on in my - TopicsExpress


Ive tried to stay quiet about the things that have gone on in my family this year but I cant hold it in any more.....how do people just forget the ones that have done so much for them? My Step Dad has totally forgotten the 14yrs of hard labor I gave him on that 23 acres my sister in law so boastfully claims....every morning when I get out of bed I am reminded of the 350lb goats I dragged around that barn for him or when I cant breathe I remember the dust and the chemicals we used to get back tags off of them, dont do much damage in open air but locked in an almost air tight trailer with 150 goats and a bottle of mineral spirits told to take all their tags off it doesnt help your lungs any. My Mom told me not to do it, My real Dad told me to take it easy and my Big Brother begged me to come live with him but I thought Gale needed me more....All he did was stand back and collect the money as they sold. I did all the work from the ground up. I never asked my little brother for help even if I did I was told he was too small to do that kind of work. When I got married, I know I put my poor husband through heck because I didnt know any other way of life....lol im sorry Honey thank you for putting up with me this long! Even after I got married I still tried to bust my butt to help him, even putting us in financial strain at times, I dont know why I did it...guess I was brainwashed. My thing is, I dont understand how hes forgotten all this or how my lil brother has forgotten all I did for him.....when he got married I sent them on their honeymoon, before that we took him on an all expense paid week trip to gulfshores, bought him his first computer, etc, etc, etc.....things seemed to changed when he got married,the land that I had walked every square inch of checking fences was now HER PROPERTY and she was to know what went on there.....when Gale and I were buying and selling horses, she decided he was spending too much time with me so he had to do the same with them, he bought up about 20 head of horses for which she had no idea how to do anything with and I believe only 2 were sold, the rest starved to death there, when the stallion they had gotten was getting thin he asked me to sell it and I was banned from the property for a month because she said she was not made aware he would be sold and I had no right....lol if you dont believe me about the starved horses, take a stroll through what used to be the hay field....when you go down the driveway and get to the bottom of the hill walk the pasture to the left aka the bone yard youll find at least 20 horse skeletons. Probably more because after losing all of those they decided they were gonna get into the breeding business, bought a nice own son of Zippos mr good bars....several nice young mares....once in the summer of 2012 kelli was telling Gale the horses had water in the creek on that side, well me and the boys went by and you could tell something was wrong with them, they were so badly dehydrated because they would not go down the steep 6 foot bank to get to the mud hole that I had to run a tube down the older stud and mares throat to get fluids to them fast....the boys and I carried water for 3 hours to them because Kelli wouldnt let Gale run a water hose from her house even though he paid their water bill....I took time out of my day to help them or well at that point I was helping the animals.....everytime I would do things like this she would get mad and say I was trying to take control....TAKE CONTROL OF WHAT???? Saving an animals life? Or well in this case I guess I was prolonging their death....the excuse from Gale and yes, You too mom was shes young shes never had anything before so she takes this too serious....I was young once too, I never got more animals than I could feed though I never bragged about having a big farm when its really just a torturous hell hole for animals. Behind her back Gale called her big mouth, control freak, etc.....I cant help but feel he was saying the same thing to her about me though. Lets skip forward to January this year....Mom gets so sick that she goes to the hospitial....yes Matt and Kelli had a baby, he went every day to see Mom with Gale....she couldnt get a baby sitter even once to go see my Mother but yet once again tried to take control when it came time for mom to be released, Knowing she couldnt go home to the mold infested house she tries to send her away to any nursing home that wont try to take the land, yes those were their exact words....I finally, with my husbands blessing and the help of my aunt brought mom here, I guess that made me the enemy now and it got in their minds again that someone wanted that land so I was yet again disowned....yeah I know it sounds crazy but thats how it happened. YES I did tell Kelli she was wrong for not coming to see mom and she uses that as an excuse as to why she stopped talking to me....its not hard to find someone to watch the baby for a few minutes to see someone who at the time was told had a few weeks to live.....while Mom was at my house sick in the bed unable to even sit up, they went to an attorney (yes, she got a babysitter that day) and had that precious 23 acres put in hers and matts name so my mom wouldnt take it...now anyone that knows my Mother knows she would not have taken matts home away from him she has too big a heart. Now some may think I am wrong for posting all of this but its all the truth, every word of it.....I know a lot of it is rambling but I am not good at explaining things. I just dont see how al this could happen to a family over something so petty.....it goes to show that greed will destroy you. I dont care if they go to church every sun and wed.....this is not right....Gale Barber lied to my children for years claiming he cared for them....he went out of their life with no explaination....he could have done anything he wanted to me, im a big girl but when you hurt my kids thats crossing the line. Its something I will NEVER forget....it makes me sick to see the man that was as he always said in bad shape myself running around all over town, on the road with kelli and her mom who he has called every name in the book......they have let their loyal renters/neighbors clean out 25yrs of my mothers things and done God knows what with them.....Karma with get every single on of you but dont think that in the meantime I wont warn people about you and all you have done to us. The truth will stand no matter what. People will figure you all out eventually....I pray you get right before its too late and stop thinking that just going to church will get you thru the gates...thats not how it works.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:21:55 +0000

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