Joe Bradley was a’gittin’ mighty hungry right now, but he - TopicsExpress


Joe Bradley was a’gittin’ mighty hungry right now, but he didn’t have a pole or a line and sinker to catch him some fish. He ‘membered his teacher a’tellin’ him about some Indians that used spears to fish with. They would look for fish that were “sunbathing” and throw their spear right through them. She said that fish would find a shallow spot in the water and jest stay there enjoying the heat from the sun. They wouldn’t move an inch. It was like they were asleep! So, that’s what he would do. First he had to find a spear, a vine, and a shallow spot in the river. Joe walked along the trail a’lookin’ for jest the right spear. He searched through a lot of trees a’lookin’ for jest the right size of spear. He finally found the perfect spear in a patch of sugar canes. He proudly cut his spear with his jackknife, that no boy would ever be caught without. Now, all he needed to find was a vine that he could tie to the end of his spear. Most of the vines that he saw were jest too big and stiff. He bored a hole in the end of his spear to thread his vine (rope) through. “There it is”! he thought to himself. “This is perfect”! With spear and vine in hand he walked along the edge of the river a’lookin’ for his “fishing” hole. Joe Bradley walked along the river’s edge ‘till he found a little slough that he could step into. The water was warm as he waded out into the water and stood very still. Just like the ole’ wooden Indian that stood outside the General Store in Shawnee, Missouri. Slowly, he raised his arm with spear in hand, then swoosh, the spear sliced through the water with his dinner at the other end. Joe Bradley could already taste his fish dinner…
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 16:02:14 +0000

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