LOSS IS LOSS - IF YOU ARE FEELING A BIT LOW TODAY READ THIS ..my mum passed away last night a year ago today. It does not matter that I can see her happy in Spirit and that she can talk to me, I still miss her so much. today and for the last few days I need love and sympathy. loss is loss. if you try and cover up your feelings about anyone or anything you have lost - you are not feeling. our cat Charlie was run over last week, he was adored by my boys. I got his little fluffy body back from the vets, Chris dug a grave and we bought a little bird ( he loved them! ) to look over him. my boys sat on the wet grass and howled as we let him go. we all cried on and off for a week. they cried more about the cat than their own granny! its good to acknowledge loss and talk about our loved ones. today we will bring a roast dinner up to my dads and write a few poems about our mum.. if we cry and feel the pain we are better off letting it out than holding it in.. our cells only carry it then.. for anyone who is feeling the loss of a relationship or a loved one - know you are not alone. for those of you who are not used to speaking about how you feel, now is your time..go to someone today, open up and let it out. what if receiving compassion and kindness is part of your journey right now? when you can go to another soul, maybe someone in your family and share something that is upsetting you, you give them the greatest compliment of all. You know that feeling when someone comes to you for help? love happens - you both receive...who do you need to talk to now? go and do it.. and let you feel what you feel, so that you can let even more love and compassion in..from my heart, Emma xx.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 11:26:15 +0000

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