LOW CARB DIETS DO NOT CAUSE LASTING WEIGHT LOSS, BUT A GREAT TOLL ON OVERALL HEALTH, WHILE ELIMINATING A KEY ELEMENT THAT IS NEEDED TO ENCOURAGE THE BURNING OFF OF EXCESS FAT. Please consider carefully weight loss advice, dearest friends. Far too many scams out there. Every cell in the human body runs on glycogen. Contrary to what has been force fed into so many minds from the mainstream media, and corrupt medical establishment (which has so far failed in providing the public with accurate nutritional information), and the WEIGHT LOSS INDUSTRY(Weight watchers and most other weight loss programs attempt to profit off you only):-(A. K. A.BE TERRIFIED OF CARBS, THEY MAKE YOU FAT. EAT MORE PROTEIN AND FAT!!) All carbs reduce to glycogen. Healthy sources of carbs are EXACTLY what the human body needs and thrives on. Again, they are a critical element to speed up the metabolism, and encourage the of excess fat, not at all what should be avoided. I am sorry to turn anyone off with the caps, only trying to communicate as strongly as possible..... IT IS THE **ANIMAL PRODUCTS**, the meat, dairy, and eggs, especially the DAIRY, closely followed by the OILS THAT CAUSE WEIGHT GAIN, NOT THE CARBS. It is beyond vital to understand that there are numerous doctors out there that do not have a clear understanding of nutrition, due to the fact (as hard as it may be to believe for many) that the pharmaceutical industry literally controls nearly 100% of the curriculum of med school, and has eliminated any real legitimate nutritional training. This 10 day diet is based on a carb phobic mentality, and will cause serious delays in metabolism-which does not at ALL help with weight loss, as it deprives the body of the ideal fuel it needs, glycogen. If any weight is lost initially, it will be in water weight only, and will not be lasting. LOW CARB DIETS ARE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, AND DO NOT PRODUCE LASTING, SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS. Aspartame and artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, high fat foods, and bad food combining also cause weight gain, but mostly, it is the animal products, especially the dairy. IT REQUIRES AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF ENERGY FOR THE BODY TO PRODUCE FUEL FROM HIGH PROTEIN, HIGH FAT DIETS. The human body is identical to other frugivores in all from stomach acidity, to gestation period. Homo sapiens thrive on plant based foods. Yes, we have evolved to eat animal based foods historically when plant foods were not available. Yet the science is now clear, we do best on plant based food. The human body produces protein easily and most ideally from the full spectrum of amino acids found in ALL whole plant based foods, especially raw plant foods, no protein supplements or additional fat are necessary, EVER, in a person who is not starving. ANIMAL PRODUCTS A GOOD SOURCE OF PROTEIN? To convert a foreign(animal) source of protein into usable protein for the HUMAN body, we must break the meat, dairy, or eggs we eat down into a full spectrum of animo acids first, and only then can we attempt to reform this foreign(meat-including fish and chicken, dairy, and eggs) food source BACK INTO a full spectrum of usable amino acids for the human body. Animal products unfortunately putrify in our bodies before we can do this, or extract any other real, worthwhile nutrition from it. Millions of people in rural China, took part in The China Study, the largest, most conclusive nutritional study ever conducted on man, over the course of 20 years. These individuals ate a HIGH CARB, LOW FAT, plant based diet, in comparison to the American population whose diet consisted of 70% animal products on average. In the U S, obesity was RAMPANT, as was heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In China, these diseases were nearly nonexistent, and the population was NOT AT ALL OVERWEIGHT. If you want to lose weight BIG TIME, without starving or harming yourself, and make it last, eat high carb, low fat plant based, McDougall style drmcdougall/, or better yet 80 10 10 high carb. raw vegan style foodandsport and 30bananasaday. Yes, HIGH CARB. Restricting your carbs will only slow your metabolism and send your body the message to stop burning fat, and store it for later. The carbs I am referring to are overt fat-free, plant based carbs; fruit, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, legumes, to a slightly lesser extent grains-especially gluten free. For even more success in weight loss, follow proper food combining to the best of your ability. alderbrooke/.../color-foodcombining-chart.pdf This is not a 100% vegan chart, but still describes food combining principles. Still first and foremost, eliminate animal products and oil for the best results if you are trying to lose weight. pcrm.org/media/commentary/after-the-fad-with-low-carb-on-a-crash-diet-can-we.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:27:59 +0000

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