Lessons for the Blind Mark 10:46-52 Sometimes it may seem - TopicsExpress


Lessons for the Blind Mark 10:46-52 Sometimes it may seem that we are blind in this world. We don’t know which way to go. We can’t see a way clear to do God’s Will. We can’t see what our next step should be. The Lord is with us even in these times. In the Bible, we have the account of the response of a physically blind man to Christ and it can help us know how to respond to Christ when we are spiritually, emotionally, and morally blind. Read Mark 10:46-52 Let’s examine Bartimaeus’ experience and learn some important truths from it: I. Jesus is Passing Your Way: Call Out This is the only time in Mark that someone addresses Jesus as “Son of David.” It is a Messianic designation based on II Samuel 7:11-14. The fact that Bartimaeus called Jesus the “Son of David,” shows that he recognized Jesus as the Messiah. His faith in Jesus as the Messiah brought about his healing. We need to be like Bartimaeus and when we are blind in our hearts and lives, we must call out to Jesus in the faith of who we know He is not based on where we are or our worthiness. Yes, our blindness, may be a result of something we have done. We can still call out to Jesus and He will answer based on Who He is. We don not know how long Bartimaeus had been blind, but it only took a moment for him to decide to call out to Jesus for help. We must have a moment when we call out to Christ. The situation may be overwhelming and hectic, but we must have a moment in time when we call out to Jesus for help. It only takes a moment to call on Him. We may have been blind for years. It doesn’t matter. Take that moment and call out for Jesus. In coming to Jesus, we need Bartimaeus’ boldness. We must overcome our reticence and doubts and take the step to call on Him. Illustration: “You Have to Ask for It” 7/31/93 ODB II. Some Will Try to Keep You from Jesus : Cry Out Even More Beggars were a common sight in most towns. Because most occupations of that day required physical labor, anyone with a Crippling disease or disability was forced to be, even though God’s law commanded care for such needy people (Leviticus 25:35-38). Blindness was considered a curse from God for sin (John 9:2). Bartimaeus responded in faith to what he heard about Jesus. He hadn’t seen anything and others resisted him. He called out anyway. Reference I Peter 1:8. No matter who is resisting out coming to Jesus, we must shout out all the more to Him. Illustration: “R.J. and Jett” Daily Guideposts 2013, p.351. and David when he was about to face Goliath (brothers, Saul’s leaders, Goliath himself). III. Jesus will Call to You: Be Ready to Answer The word “Healed” in verse 52 is the Greek word “sozo.” It can refer to physical healing and spiritual salvation. Bartimaeus experienced both. Jesus will many times answer with more than what we expected. We must be ready to receive all that He wants to give. Illustration: Zacchaeus and woman with issue of blood in “Mornings with Jesus 2013, p. 320. Jesus met many spiritually blind people- religious leaders, family members, people in the crowd. Though their eyes were fine, they could not see the truth about Jesus. But blind Bartimaeus heard the report that Jesus was coming and boldly cried out. Will you do the same? Bartimaeus’ concept of the Messiah was not total or complete. He expressed faith in what He believed with courage and commitment. Jesus responded to this faith. Will we cry out to Jesus even though our faith is small, our knowledge is limited, and our strength is playing out? If we will, Jesus will respond. Illustration: “Be Specific” 12/19/12 ODB
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:56:13 +0000

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