Not only is the article informative, there is an insightful - TopicsExpress


Not only is the article informative, there is an insightful comment by Jo Wells Id like to paste here, it can be found in the article comments... When you look at the reason for conception of the entire kibble and canned industry, no one should be surprised or in disbelief. The entire industry was created solely to squeeze profit from the trash, discards and leftovers of the food processing industry. Instead of throwing their trash in the trash, they sold it off to recycle into pet food. That is why so many food processors also own subsidiaries that make kibble. Keep the profits in house and minimize overhead. Food should not be designated as people food. It isnt exclusive to humans. Its food for many different species. Kibble isnt dog food. Its kibble. Dog food is meat, bones, organs, carrion, wild berries that may be nibbled on in passing etc. just like bird food is insects, berries, seeds etc... Or horse food is grass and plants. Politics doesnt change biology. Corporate brain washing and consumer miseducation doesnt change biology. The biology of an animal transcends all restrictions human kind may place on it. While some people may feed kibble for convenience or simply because they honestly believe they are doing the right, that doesnt mean it is good for the animal. My kids enjoy macaroni and cheese when they get it. That doesnt mean I would expect them to live off of it. If a pediatrician tried to convince they could I would kindly thank him or her for their time and beat feet outta there. A lot of the info concerning REAL pet nutrition is very disturbing for kibble feeders because any time someone is faced with the possibility they have been making a grave mistake, it is uncomfortable. Few people will say wow, I better cut that out. They will instead look for other advice or information to confirm or even try to find someone to back them up to ease their mind. Its human nature. I gave up trying to convert people to feed a species appropriate diet to their pets. It just insults and infuriates most because they feel attacked. Instead, I just explain what I feed my dogs when someone asks and leave it at that. When I see articles such as this, Im grateful that information like this has such a broad platform to make its way out to consumers. People need to know what they are really eating. What their companions are really eating. I live in the heart of American agriculture on the Mississippi River delta. I hear farmers talking about this stuff everyday. Its true. Sad but, true. I have been feeding my past dogs, current dogs and any foster dogs, a raw species appropriate diet as well as table scraps for over 17 years. The raw movement has made dramatic leaps in growth. And now people are starting to demand better food for themselves too. Please keep educating yourselves. Educated consumers keep businesses honest. Jo Wells https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=795610847137583&substory_index=0&id=185166891515318
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 15:01:00 +0000

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