OK, I see this video around sometimes on facebook, and I never - TopicsExpress


OK, I see this video around sometimes on facebook, and I never wanted to watch it because I really just dont want to release a shitstorm. Regardless, I saw it on one of my friends walls and I decided, alright whatever, lets see what this dude has to say, of course, I kind of already knew what he was going to say just because of the title. Prepare for my attempt at a Cracked article on Facebook, you have been warned. Let me get this one out of the way, I consider myself a Christian. My dogtags label me as such. Do I consider myself a good Christian? No, probably not, but regardless, I hope that in the end God recognizes that decisions behind the choices I had to make in life. I come across this video, and its description alone already red flags me. Dear Mr. Atheist, allow me to destroy evolution in three minutes. I assume with the idea of creationism, and I wasnt wrong, so this guy is already pretty silly looking to begin with. First off, Theory of Evolution does not mean I think this is how this works, it means Scientific Theory which if you even paid attention for ten minutes in 6th grade, you know means that Theory is the term used to determine a precedent that repeats reliably in experimentation and observation. In other words, it means we KNOW thats how this works. He says that it was never observed, but this is a fallacy of inference. We *can* observe evolution, we can observe how some species of birds adapt to cityscapes in their environment and how others die off unable to find nutrition. We can observe how bacteria that cause diseases evolve to fight the effects of penicillin. We can observe how invasive species evolve to environments they never lived in. One mans theory he says, even though Charles Darwin only had the basics correct. He goes on to say how nonsense it is that we accidentally came to be and how we willed ourselves to become what we are, when this is not what is taught in evolution. First off, evolution does not mention how life was started, it only refers to how it evolves. The beings on earth come to be because at some point, organic beings mutate, most dont do any good, but some produce better results. As those that are more adept at survival reproduce, it becomes the standard and the species evolves. It isnt mysterious or magical, it takes an incomprehensible amount of time. As to how he references everything was accidentally created, he again mentions how everything just somehow happened. Accidents are not how this universe came to be. He mentions the Laws of Thermodynamics, well Im no science major, but if you know about Thermodynamics, you know about something called Entropy, which is probably what this man would refer to as Accidents. He mentions how Earth is so perfect, that there is no way that it could be an accident. Well hes right on one thing, it wasnt an accident, it was just entropy at work. Out of all the ways something can work, our world manifested and took the shape of what we know today. If we need examples of how it wouldnt work, we need only to look at the planets of death around us. Using Yellowstone and natural wonders proves nothing to an existence of God, you only look silly from fallacies of irrelevance. Oh and Universe doesnt mean One statement. He got uni right, but verse comes from versum which comes from vertere which means rolled or changed. Look Im not trying to sound like a self-righteous atheist, because Im not. The truth is, science doesnt replace religion, but it CAN replace your religion if you want it to. The two arent necessarily conflicting. If we take the Word of God as something not absolutely literal, but as a book of aesops with some true stories in them, youll have a much better time in the modern world. As I learned from my science teacher in 8th grade, God works through scientific means. They are His rules, and we may not necessarily fully understand them, because we are always learning. Science is the key to our advancement, it has brought us every luxury, gadget, and method that we have come to know. You dont have to replace one with the other, and you dont have to pick a side, thats just harmful to all of us. In the end, it comes down to open mindedness. Science and religion arent in any danger of harming each other. Its the zealots that are. Dont buy in to charlatans like this guy, take both sides of your heritage and realize that there are strengths to both of them.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 07:57:34 +0000

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