ONE FEBRUARY DAY in Ireland in the 1800s, John D’Esterre was - TopicsExpress


ONE FEBRUARY DAY in Ireland in the 1800s, John D’Esterre was killed in a duel, leaving an 18-year-old widow named Jane. With little money and past-due bills, the bailiffs came to seize their property and threatened to return to sell her husband’s body to the mortuary. Jane took her husband’s body and buried it in an unmarked grave. Then she fled to a village on the Scottish-English border. One day, feeling despondent, Jane sat beside the river and contemplated suicide. Just then, Jane heard whistling. A young ploughman, known as a “hymn-whistler,” had begun work in the fields. Jane was touched. She thought of her two small children who needed her. She was healthy and had her whole life before her. If a man plowing fields could whistle, she could keep going. So she returned to Dublin. Shortly afterward, she attended St. George’s Church and trusted Jesus Christ as her Savior. God gave her an unusual burden: to pray earnestly for her children and the 12 generations to follow, desiring to leave a spiritual legacy. Jane later married a wealthy man named Captain John Guinness and continued in prayer. Her son, Grattan, became a minister. His preaching helped trigger the 1859 Irish revival where up to 100,000 people came to Christ in one year. Generations later, Dr. Os Guinness, son of Chinese missionaries, gained worldwide acclaim as Christ’s spokesman. Though she didn’t live to see all the results of her many prayers, Jane left an incredible legacy. For 40 years, Moses faithfully served God. He nurtured the promise planted centuries earlier that his people would live in their own land and worship the one true God. Though Moses had a moment of defiance when he struck the rock, he was still allowed to see the promised land. His legacy? He recorded God’s laws for posterity; he led God’s people to freedom — all the way to the brink of the promised land. You may not be a Moses leading a nation out of bondage, but, like Jane Guinness, you can leave a spiritual heritage. The most powerful instrument at your disposal is prayer. No matter what your situation in life, no matter what your gifts or talents, you can pray for others. You can leave a beautiful legacy, asking God that those who follow after you will impact the world for Christ. What will your legacy be? What will people remember about you when you leave this earth? Had the biggest house, fanciest car, perfect body, most money, or that you told them about Jesus? I pray I remembered for the last of these!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:21:41 +0000

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