Okay, So I had to go no further than my own back yard to get some - TopicsExpress


Okay, So I had to go no further than my own back yard to get some sense talked into me. This old man born in Peterborough, Ontario, revitalized in me what I have been doing and why. He is world renowned for his knowledge, and wisdom obtained as well as through his studies he has been able to narrow down the possibilities of what is true and what is absolute truth from the unknown or lost from civilized past. You may have heard of him, Manly P Hall. Born in 1901 Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, an author, historian, philosopher, Freemason, theologian. It was rejuvenating to go over some of his work, although I am familiar with him, I am not well versed in his teachings. To be honest, the multiple on average 1 hour and a half lectures I listened to, most of the populace would not have the Time, patience or comprehension of what is being discussed. I reviewed one of his books “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” in pdf format. I can sit here and write about how without a true understanding of where we as a society have come from, will not produce a productive future. I can sit here and write about what you do now in this moment is as important as it etches in Time and stone what you will do in the proceeding moments. As it stands I will choose the latter as it pertains to what I desire to accomplish with the knowledge I have obtained about our civilized past. I choose to believe in the inherit nurturing nature of life. The Law of the jungle rather than the rule of law for the democratic sake of 50+1 for a majority. Instinctively anyone would do what it takes to protect the ones they care about regardless of animalistic distinction like mammal, reptile, or insect. We can argue between creationism and evolution but for point of matter the difference between an ape and a human is the human ability to build skyscrapers, take flight, it is our consciousness that separates us. This is also not a debate on whether animals also have consciousness because all animals have communication abilities, humans are limited in their abilities to understand or even pick up on the energy to the specific animal, however some humans have been known to communicate with other animals in the kingdom of. I say these things to prove a point that if you knew something terrible, like millions of people dying and natural resources being depleted and destroyed could be stopped, would you not actively try to stop them? I expect and hope that 99.99% of those out there who at least read this would say yes. Okay. Now you can interpret the book of revelations as literal, subjective, coded translation but the premise of it is the amount of destruction needed for the return of the Lord and saviour. So literally billions of people need to die and a third of the earth and waters need to be made bitter. I hope people can see the paradox in that process. Regardless if you believe in the teachings of Christ, there are billions of people who do, and the same billions of people who desire for this destruction to happen because they themselves and their predecessors did not adhere to His teachings made public thousands of years earlier. And that is where I come in, believing that prophecy is fulfilled through deed, why do people want this to happen, and why not do anything and everything possible to stop this from happening? And that ladies and gentlemen, is what I and along with others have been trying to do. Modern western religion is roughly 5500 years old (Judaism ,Christianity, Islam) and many other ancient civilizations survived, flourished and in many aspects where far more advanced than we are today without the aid and indoctrination of western religion and the Empire of Rome/Vatican. As for all things that exist, there is a purpose and reasoning of. And in its simplest form is either positive, negative or neutral . And that is the makeup of all life esoterically speaking. 1 week ago I left/took a break to find myself. There will be those who will empathize with my strife of being misunderstood, denied or ostracized for what I believe, or know, or think about. Logically I can accept that because of perspective, emotionally it gets difficult when your inner circle or the people who share life with you gets smaller because of those aforementioned reasons. Years of being rejected for who you are makes a man question his believes and actions. This is just another one of those moments relapse. So does this mean I am back? Yes. I could try to explain ever intricate detail of my life that influences each decision I make but I do not wish to devote my precious Time nor this piece to that. I am prepared to wipe clean most things I have physically learned knowing that multiple facets of history like science, religion, theology, antiquities, have been hidden or are a form of misinformation. And so should the majority of you. You cannot teach someone to drive a car if they have not yet learned to walk or crawl. It’s the same with society today. Trying to get the average person to understand society as a whole and where we came from. Why events of today are happening? One could pull up multiple world leaders who proclaim a New World Order. One that is on its way but will either have a positive or negative outcome for all or the elite few. One could pull up documents that prove tyranny and corruption in the governing bodies of today and the examples of predecessors of the past that continues on with practices established years before that are morally and ethically wrong but hidden from the public. This is the conundrum that many face fighting negativity in this world. Put it like this: the world can and has existed without human life with other forms of life. Everything instinctively lives in a balance according to the food chain, and natural disasters. The planet itself is a neutral entity. And can survive on its own. Put 100 million humans on this planet and see what evolves over 10 000 years knowing things will either be positive or negative according to perspective and knowledge obtained and shared. If the world has become negative than the majority of people will be, and those who oppose such negative ways will be a minority and rightfully so, be viewed upon as evil trying to do good in a negative world. That is our current state and according to revelations our current path. People who oppose these ways look for new information that will kick start those who are unaware of what is happening in our world today to try and make positive changes so that we as a civilized world will not falter? It is not a question of a waste of Time but rather beating your head against a wall without hurting yourself knowing how precious Time is and the essence of its coexisting matters of future proclamation. There is truly a lot of information both true and false to consume in order to understand absolute truth. There are a lot of factors into why the average person is unaware of what is happening in today’s world. There is a difference in what I know and what I can prove, however, it can be proven that the world today is far from what it could be. And that is not a good thing. We could be so much better, there could be less separation, destruction, violence, fear and hate in this world. And that is a fact because there is no peace on earth today. One way or another there will be. For the selected few or the plentiful many. “Philosophy reveals to man the kinship with the ALL. It shows him that he is a brother to the suns which dot the firmament; it lifts him from a taxpayer on a whirling atom to a citizen of Cosmos. It teaches him that while physically bound to earth (of which his blood and bones are part), there is nevertheless within him a spiritual power, a diviner Self, through which he is one with the symphony of the Whole. Ignorance of ignorance, then, is that self-satisfied state of unawareness in which man, knowing nothing outside the limited area of his physical senses, bumptiously declares there is nothing more to know! He who knows no life save the physical is merely ignorant; but he who declares physical life to be all important and elevates it to the position of supreme reality—such a one is ignorant of his own ignorance. If the infinite had not desired man to become wise, He would not have bestowed upon him the faculty of knowing. If He not intended man to become virtuous, He would not have sown within the human heart the seed of virtue. If He had predestined man to be limited to his narrow physical life, He would not have equipped him with perceptions and sensibilities capable of grasping, in part at least, the immensity of the outer universe. The criers of philosophy call all men to a comradeship of the spirit: to a fraternity of thought: to a convocation of Selves. Philosophy invites man out of the vainness of selfishness; out of the sorrow of ignorance and the despair of worldliness; out of the travesty of ambition and the cruel clutches of greed; out of the red hell of hate and the cold tomb of dead idealism.” Manly P Hall The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 04:03:23 +0000

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