One of the most difficult things we can go through in this life is - TopicsExpress


One of the most difficult things we can go through in this life is the loss of a loved one. When we lose something, we go through 5 stages of grief. 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance These stages of grief after losing a loved one wont seem unfimilar to you. We all have gone through these stages and if we never reach the final stage of Acceptance, we can live a life of torment in our relationships with others and ourself. The pain of being told Our relationship is over, dont contact me ever again, can be equally as painful as someone saying He died in a car crash. Why? The pain of loss is universally shared across the globe. We ALL go through this same pain, in the exact same stages too. But what If I were to tell you that there CAN be stages before the 5 stages of grief ever get a chance to roll out? 1. Investigation - this is originally called Denial, but i see it more as investigation. In this stage you dive into deep investigation, looking at all the facts to determine the ultimate truth. The facts stand out on their own and they will tell you if your relationship is dead or not. THIS is the stage that leads people either straight to the stage of Acceptance, or stuck in the first four stages. The only way to avoid this is by entering into the next stage. 2. Awareness - This stage accepts that the relationship is dead. But simple acceptance does not mean you will be happy with it. In this stage you will actually be happy with your acceptance. However this is only possible if you believe in a human soul. If you believe that the soul is eternal, and that all souls are like individual drops of one shoreless ocean, then you will readily realize that although the physical relationship is dead, you are still deeply connected to this person. Ultimately you accept that the PHYSICAL relationship is dead, yes, but the SPIRITUAL relationship that bonds you with that person is eternal, will never die, and will always GROW and DEVELOP just as it has always grown; by directing thoughts and actions of love, kindness, generosity, care and empowerment towards them. Once you reach this sense of awareness you will realize that you actually dont need that person physically present in your life in order to love them substantially. The love that they gave you and the love you gave them was always a physical representation of a spiritual quality. The physical act of talking to someone on the phone or helping someone with something is all valued in our memory based on the EMOTION we experienced behind those acts. It is not the act itself that is important, but the SPIRIT behind the act that really has any value. Because the SPIRIT of the act is not visible but something that is perceived and felt, and if we agree that all our souls are connected and empowered by thoughts and actions of high spiritual qualities which are reflections of a Higher Power that is radiating them, then we could say that actions that come from the SPIRIT are infinite in their power and range of who they can impact and require no physical connection whatsoever. Basically, people do not have to be physically present in order to love each other. However, since we are in a PHYSICAL world, the only way we can manifest Spiritual Qualities is through our THOUGHTS and ACTIONS which will then manifest that spiritual quality into our soul and any soul we choose to direct it to. 3. Love (Prayer) - In this stage you choose to love the person in your THOUGHTS and ACTIONS for you know that you can love them eternally and there is truly no end to the extent of your love. You also recognize that all your love is a reflection from a Higher Power that you are also connected to. So by thinking of your loved one it is as if they are there in your presence. And when you send thoughts of love vocally, or in your mind, towards that person by saying I love you, you are actually praying for them. PRAYER is the process of communicating with a Higher Power and asking them to radiate their power of Love, Joy, Serenity, etc. towards a person or yourself (which is often simultaneous). So if you call on a Higher Power or even mention the spiritual qualities that the Higher Power internally posesses and direct it towards a person, you are praying for them. And this process of prayer is one of the most healing things you could ever do for a person and yourself that is no longer in your life physically. Why? Because if you do choose to try it, you will realize that they never left you. They are still with you. Because they are. All of our souls are as drops of one ocean. 4. True Acceptance - At this stage you recognize that you dont need to feel anger, depression, denial, or bargaining. You recognize that any time you do feel those emotions, you can always return to the stage of Prayer in order to direct powerful, loving emotions towards that person and yourself. Because love will always turn you around. Love is a bridge between your soul and the soul of others. We hurt when we feel the bridge is broken. Its not. The bridge is eternal. Our bond is eternal. In this stage you are completely confident in accepting the death of the relationship. You are able to move on in a state of Love. And honestly, there is not a single stage that could please us more. Only love can turn us around. I hope this was of some help to those who have suffered the pain of loss. If you find my concepts confusing, please leave a comment and we can discuss this concept. My intent is not to impose anyone with my beliefs. My intent is to heal those who suffer :) With much love! Jamal Corrie
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:26:25 +0000

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