PLEASE READ & CHANGE THIS! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!! A woman next me last night while flying discussed with me the new world she has to deal with and the new ways she must protect/raise her son. I was LITERALLY in tears. We began deeply speaking. (( I started with my own story. )) For many years in the early 80s my family was forced to move to Marietta Georgia from Philadelphia. We LITERALLY at that time were THE ONLY Jewish people for hundreds of miles. For being Jewish I was beaten and forced into rock & fist fights everyday by Aryan brotherhood, skinheads and KKK family members, I was shot with a gun TWICE in the upper legs and knees, thrown out of 2nd & 3rd floor windows from new construction buildings hoping for my demise and death, have been buried alive in hot boxes covered with mounds of dirt in 100 degree Southern heat left for dead by the same group. Like in the movie DJANGO Unchained. At school, I WAS NOT allowed to associate with the other children AT ALL, left beaten by teachers facing the corner of a wall EVERY DAY JUST FOR BEING JEWISH. I wasnt taught to read or write, I was NOT allowed to be educated. I was the example for all the other children of what they should hate, and not ever be - A Jew. The story goes on and on and it gets worse and worse. I, little 6 year old Jae Benjamin was the constant kill target for over 4 years until my family FINALLY could financially get out of Marietta Georgia. Forced out, beaten and almost killed MANY MANY TIMES JUST FOR BEING JEWISH. THIS ALLOWS ME TO IDENTIFY TO SITUATIONS OF HARM, RAPE AND WORSE VERY EASILY. THIS ALLOWS ME TO BE BEYOND IRATE AT OUR WORLD TODAY!!!! PERIOD! This mother who I wont name is an Ivy league educated and working mother. Quite smart, extremely well spoken and mannered, well kept and quite attractive. She and her young 12 year old son are almost identical and he is being raised with more love than one could dream of. Its BEAUTIFUL. As a single mom and all aforementioned they as a family are doing wonderfully and life has blessed them rewardingly, and theyve work hard for those rewards. Life is good, OR, was good. Their life however is NO LONGER happy or the same. They are living in TOTAL FEAR. Everyday when her child is about to leave the house, his mother must STRICTLY REMIND HIM: (exact words she told me): If you see a police officer, do exactly as he/she says. Dont hide your hands and keep them visible at all times, dont talk or talk back, DONT GET SHOT, and by GOD, PLEASE SON, make sure YOU-COME-HOME. (tears began dropping from HER face) If a police officer hurts you, or does something, I YOUR MOTHER will handle it. YOU MAKE SURE YOU COME HOME NO MATTER WHAT!! Mom then asks her child: - Mom: Do you know who Michael Brown is - Boy: Yes. He was boy the police killed. - Mom: Do you know who Eric Garner is? - Boy: Yes. - Mom: Who is he? - Boy: He is a boy the police choked and killed. - Mom: Do you know why these boys/men were killed? - Boy: No. - Mom: What do you have in common with these other boys that were killed? - Boy: Uhm... We are all boys, and nice people, and have mommies and we are all boys. - Mom: What about their skin color son? Where they all black boys? What about that? - Boy: OH YEAH MOMMY! They were all black boys, but I dont see or think about that ((Feel free to cry - I did.)) Children today THANK GOD dont see race, color, etc. They dont discriminate. They LOVE. The new generation is one of PEACE FOR ALL MAN KIND AND GUESS WHAT.... The ugliest powers on Earth are killing them off in order to keep killing, enslaving, harming and destroying the lives of our fellow men, women and children. I as a ONE man am no army for all this disgustingness evolving faster and faster each day, but, WE ALL AS ONE ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO COME TOGETHER AND FIGHT BACK. WE MUST FIND A WAY! Children CAN NOT NOW BE RAISED AS IF THEYRE LEAVING FOR THE VIETNAM WAR EVERYDAY THEY LEAVE HOME, AND LOVED ONES FOR SCHOOL, WORK, PLAY TIME WHATEVER. THIS MUST STOP NOW NOW NOW!! #EricGarner #MichaelBrown #Holocaust #JusticeForAll #MichaelJackson #SpikeLee #PoliceBrutality #Justice #Love #Unite #Solidarity #Peace WHEN DOES IT END???!!!!! Michael Jackson and Spike Lee in 1995 were 100% on it and the higher-ups spit on them to say the least --- ITS TIME FOR THE TRUTH AND PEOPLE STANDING UP FOR PEOPLE! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! LISTEN WATCH ABSORB! THE VEIL MUST BE LIFTED AND BLINDERS TOSSED! WE MUST STAND AS ONE - TOGETHER - NOW!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:37:02 +0000

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