Prophetic Insight... Like most with a T.V. and any concern about - TopicsExpress


Prophetic Insight... Like most with a T.V. and any concern about our nation and whats going on in the world, Ive kept up with news on this ISIS group. On last week, it was laid upon my heart to look deeper into the matter so I did and on tonight it hit my spirit again and with that said, I cannot go to bed until I share this. ISIL or ISIS being short for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria but has anyone else paid attention to the name ISIS.. Isis was an Egyptian goddess and her name meant throne - the symbols used to represent her are a throne, cobra and a vulture - there are more but these three stand out most. Which is further confirmation of the demonic nature of this group. Lets just take a look at the symbols here: throne and cobra. Did not the adversary (the serpent) say that he would make himself like the most HIGH in Isaiah 14:13 - For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. The spirit driving the motivation of this group isnt just focused on creating fear in all who witness their acts especially America but this is about control and dominion. This is about the enemy saying Im superior to the power of GOD, this is about the enemy elevating his throne. If you pay attention to what theyre doing most of the people theyre killing and beheading are Christians and those theyve deemed infidels for not agreeing with them. This is a bold attack against the KINGDOM of HEAVEN from the adversary. And finally the vulture - we know that it is a large bird that eats dead animals but the second definition of that is a person who tries to take advantage of someone in a bad situation. Is this group not doing that? And in considering their disrespect for women - its funny theyre being influenced by a female spirit wonder who that could be - Jezebel.. Selah..
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 03:58:03 +0000

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