Public comment sought: NHMRC ethical guidelines on Assisted - TopicsExpress


Public comment sought: NHMRC ethical guidelines on Assisted Reproductive Technology Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the application of laboratory or clinical techniques to human eggs, sperm or embryos for the purposes of reproduction. Part B of the ART guidelines provides ethical guidance on topics such as: - Use and storage of human eggs, sperm and embryos - Techniques for the selection of embryos - Information giving, counselling and consent NHMRC CEO Professor Warwick Anderson acknowledged that assisted reproductive technology is a topic of interest and importance to the community. ‘Many Australians hold strong views on the issues covered by these guidelines, which is why we are seeking feedback from the community,’ Professor Anderson said. ‘Public consultation will help determine the usefulness of our current ethical guidelines, and advise on their suitability regarding changes in technology and community sentiment.’ NHMRC’s ART guidelines underpin the regulation of ART practice within Australia. The Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee requires clinics to comply with NHMRC’s ART guidelines as part of its accreditation criteria. The deadline for submissions to the public consultation is 30 April 2014. Further information is available on the NHMRC Public Consultation
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 03:15:50 +0000

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