Real Courtroom Quotations Lawyer: Any suggestions as to what - TopicsExpress


Real Courtroom Quotations Lawyer: Any suggestions as to what prevented this from being a murder trial instead of an attempted murder trial? Witness: The victim lived. Lawyer: Now, doctor, isnt it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesnt know anything about it until the next morning? Lawyer: What is your relationship with the plaintiff? Witness: She is my daughter. Lawyer: Was she your daughter on February 13, 1979? Lawyer: Were you acquainted with the deceased? Witness: Yes sir. Lawyer: Before or after he died? Lawyer: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people? Witness: All my autopsies have been performed on dead people. Lawyer: Do you recall approximately the time that you examined the body of Mr. Eddington at the Rose Chapel? Witness: It was in the evening. The autopsy started about 8:30pm. Lawyer: And Mr. Eddington was dead at the time, is that correct? Lawyer: How many times have you committed suicide? Witness: Four times. Lawyer: Were you present in court this morning when you were sworn in? Lawyer: I show you Exhibit 3 and ask you if you recognize that picture. Witness: Thats me. Lawyer: Were you present when that picture was taken? Lawyer: Were you alone or by yourself? Lawyer: The youngest son, the 20 year old, how old is he? Lawyer: So you were gone until you returned? Lawyer: You were there until the time you left, is that true? Lawyer: Now sir, Im sure you are an intelligent and honest man-- Witness: Thank you. If I werent under oath, Id return the compliment.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:22:33 +0000

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