Românii /vlahii din Timoc care vor limba română în școli îi - TopicsExpress


Românii /vlahii din Timoc care vor limba română în școli îi scriu Înaltului comisar al OSCE pentru minorități naționale, Astrid Thors. Atenție la manipulările Serbiei! Miercuri, 27 Noiembrie 2013 Bor, Timoc, Sebia/Romanian Global News Din pacate, in ciuda eforturilor pe care si biroul dvs. le-a facut alaturi de parinti, autoritatile din Serbia nu au facut pasii necesari pentru introducerea claselor si ca urmare clasele de limba romana nu vor fi accesibile copiilor nostri in anul acesta scolar. Ca atare nu se poate spune ca educatia in limba romana a fost introdusa in scoli si deci e nevoie de o analiza atenta inainte de a se trage concluzii positive pe acest aspect, se arata în scrisoarea trimisă de Jasmina Glišić, Presedinta asociatiei parintilor care doresc învătarea limbii române în școală, preluată de corespondentul Romanian Global News din Timoc. Cum oficiul dvs. este la cunostinta, din corespondenta anterioara, ne-am oferit sa colaboram cu Ministerul Educatiei si sa sprijinim efortul introducerii acestor clase. Cu toate astea chiar Ministerul a demonstrat ca nu este dispus colaborarii cu noi. De fapt nici nu au vrut sa se intalneasca cu noi. Dupa cum stiti principiul pentru educatia minoritatilor este implicarea, asa cum este stipulat in paragraful 30 din Documentul de la Copenhaga. Participarea, in acest context, inseamna nu numai participarea efectiva a institutiilor minoritatilor nationale dar si implicarea activa a parintilor acestora. Ca organizatie reprezentanta a parintilor copiilor romani continuam sa cerem Ministerului colaborarea si implicarea. In plus va cerem respectuos si dumnevoastra sa tineti aprope de noi si sa va informati tot timpul pe acest subiect si de la noi, nu numai de la HCNM. Vrem sa va aducem aminte si faptul ca in scrisoarea pe care am trimis-o asta vara oficiului dvs. avertizam despre un posibil scenariu care se poate intampla in noul an scolar si care din pacate s-a materializat. Dupa cum ar trebui sa stiti sondajul care ar fi trebuit sa fie facut in Branicevo nu a fost temeinic si nici rezultatele lui nu au fost facute niciodata publice. In acest moment nu exista planuri de implementare a limbii romane in Branicevo desi noi am fost informati, neoficial, ca sondajul a fost realizat doar in cateva scoli si ca sunt destui copii care au optat pentru aceste clase. (...) Masuri solicitate: - Sa se faca un sondaj printre scolarii din Branicevo si Pomoravlje, in toate orasele acestor judete. Sondajul ar trebui realizat in toate scolile primare si secundare. Intrebarile ar trebui sa fie in asa fel puse incat copiiilor sa le fie usor sa raspunda daca vor sau nu sa mearga la clasele de limba romana, cu nicio alta referire al alte clase, de alta limba. - Desemnarea unor persoane legale care sa se ocupe de acest lucru și care să fie persoane de contact - Sa se asigure accesul la clasele de limba romana si copiilor care au ales sa mearga la profilul informatica. De fapt nu ar trebui sa fie limitat accesul la aceste clase de nici o alta conditie. - Organzarea claselor in orasul Majdanpek, care tine de Scoala din Zajecar si unde sondajul realizat in toamna aceasta a fost realizat insa clasele nu s-au mai format din asa zisa lipsa de profesori. - Investigarea si initierea unor masuri administrative si, daca e nevoie, si penale, impotriva scolilor si autoritatilor locale din orasul Kucevo care au exercitat presiuni ilegale asupra parintilor. Speram in implicarea activa a HCNM in monitorizarea acestor situatii si in contactul direct cu autoritatile Serbei pentru respectarea si implementarea acestor masuri pentru comunitatea romaneasca din zona. Asteptarile noastre, bazandu-ne pe rolul HCNM asumat in 2012, acela de a facilita procesul de introducere a limbii romane in clasele din Serbia de Est. Varianta în engleza: Your Excellency, Please let me use this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as High Commissioner, and to introduce our organisation, which was formed by parents, with the aim to create the opportunity for primary school pupils to be offered the possibility to learn Romanian language in public schools. Your Office has been actively engaged in this process and we would like to express our appreciation for your efforts. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of your Office and the parents, and to the considerable frustration of the parents, the authorities of the Republic of Serbia have not taken all necessary steps needed to fully introduce the classes, and as result of this inaction, Romanian languageclasses will not be available to all interested children during this school year. Therefore, it cannot be confirmed that education in Romanian language is available in Eastern Serbia, and that a set of measures have to be implemented before a positive conclusion is made. As you Office is aware from our previous correspondence, we offered to collaborate with the Ministry of Education and support its efforts to introduce the classes. Nevertheless,the Ministry has shown itself to be unwilling to cooperate with our organisation.In fact, the Ministry has not even been able to find the time to meet with us. As you are aware, the principle that minority education has to be participatory is well established, and reconfirmed in the paragraph 30 of the Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE. Participation in this context means not only effective participation of the institutions representing national minority, but also active involvement of parents. Accordingly, as an organisation representing parents, we continue to request the Ministryto consult with the parents. In addition, we would kindly ask that similarly your Office also consults with the partents and keeps them informed. We consider that our independent assessment of the situation on the ground, should complement the information HCNM receives from formal sources, and will serve as a basis on which HCNM can bring informed conclusion. We would like to remind you, that in our official letter sent to your Office during the summer, we warned on possible scenarios which can happen at the begining of the new school year, and which had had unfortunately materialised. As you might be aware, survey has not been conducted in a systematic way in the Branicevo District.The results of survey were never made public. At this moment there are no plans to introduce Romanian language classes in Branicevo district, although we are unofficially informed that survey was conducted in few schools and that there is a certain number of schoolchildren who opted for these classess. Anticipating this, our organisation, as well as our partners NGOssubmitted parents signatures lists which required introduction of Romanian language classes in primary schools in municipalities of Veliko Gradiste, Golubac, Kucevo and Petrovac. As we warned in previous correspondence,an unlawfull pressure by principals and teacher on children and their parents in schools in Kucevo and Golubac was exercised. Parents were required to witdhrew their signatures, either by persuading them verbally to do this, or in the most blatant case in the municipality of Kucevo, local authorities conducted an inspection in one of the business of the parents who signed the list and asked them to either withdrew signatures or face closure of their business. The second level of obstruction is that even when parents were not persuaded to withdrew their signatures, schools and school district were simple sillent on these writtent request by the parents. Our organisation lodge an official compaint to the school inspection in Požarevac. However, no measures have been taken against schools which refused to include Romanian language classes. I would like to remind you that according to the Serbian law, the schools are obliged to introduce minority langauge classesin the school curricula without mentioning the minimal number of schoolchildren Some other more subtle methods to prevent introduction of Romanian language classes were also deployed, such as to choose between computer science and Romanian langauge classess, which made Romanian classes less attractive. The minority education should be suplementaty to the regular curricula, and not to be treated as any other electives. This resulted that the number of schoolchildren in Bor and Zajecar district, who opted for Romanian language classes droped from 1620 surveyed this spring to less than 800 opting for these classes during the autumn survey. From all mentioned above it is impossible to assert that Romanian language classes has been introduced as a part of the regular school ciricular. We would like to present you a clear list of the measures which has to be introduce in order to enable schoolchildren to fully utilize a right of education in their mother tongue, in order to be able to conclude that the right of education in Romanian language has strated being implemented. The main measure which needs to be implemented is to • To conduct a survey among schoolchildren in Branicevo and Pomoravlje District, in all municipalities of these two districts. The survey should be conducted in all primary and secondary schools, among all grades (in primary schools from 1st to 8th grade and in secondary schools from 1st to 4th grade). The survey should be designed in such manner to allow children to chose only whether they would like to attend Romanian language classes or not, without reference in the document to any other elective classess. However, a number of other measures should be also taken into consideration: • In order to prevent any unlawfull acts of either school or local authorities, we suggest that the Ministry designate an appropriate contact person, which will serve as a contact point for resolving issues which may arise during the conduct of the survey or introduction of Romanian language classess. • To offer opportunity for schoolchildren in Bor and Zajecar district to opt for Romanian language classes, no matter whether they attendt computer science classess or not. This would be limited survey among schoolchildren who attend computer science or any other elective classes. • To organise classes in municipality of Majdanpek which belongs to the Zajecar School District and where the survey earlier this autumn has already been conducted, but the classes did not started, due to alleged lack of teachers. • To investigate and initiate if necessary administrative and criminal proceeding against school and local authorities in Kucevo municipality which exercised an unlawfull pressure on parents. We expect from your Office and you personally to monitorand advise current situation, as well as liaising with the Ministry of Education and other relevant Serbian authorities in order to enable that a right to education in mother tongue is fully respected. Our expectations are based on the role HCNM assumed in 2012, which is to serve as a facilitator in the process of introduction of Romanian language classes in Eastern Serbia. Please be informed that two co-presidents of the Joint Serbian-Romanian Commission, Mr.BogdanAurescu and Mr.GordanaStamenic, will be informed about all our initiatives and our correspondences with your Office, in order to adhere to the principles of the transparency of the process. Kind Regards, Jasmina Glišić, president of the NGO Parents of the children who want to have Romanian language classes in school
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:09:11 +0000

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