SETH EXPLAINS HOW WE COOPERATE IN THE DREAM STATE...from ron by way of DiAnne... SETH SPEAKS - The Eternal Validity Of The Soul APPENDIX - ESP CLASS SESSION: Tuesday, January 5, 1971... (Annie G.: What about precognitive dreams?) Some are entirely legitimate. Often, however, the suggestion involved in a dream brings about the event, so it seems when the dream becomes real that you have looked into a future that already existed. Instead you have formed the event, not realizing that it had its origins at the time you slept. The question cannot be answered simply for there are many ramifications, but from this instant of reality you form and change not only the future, but the past. In the operation of probabilities this has great significance, for this means that you change and affect all events, and that your books are a delightful fiction that tell you only your current ideas about the past. (Sally W.: How can I change my way of thinking to keep my family well, instead of making them sick?) Back here, we have a question from the gallery. (Smiling.) You must realize that you do not form events alone. You are involved in a cooperative venture. Usually then you alone are not responsible for an event, because others participate in its creation - for their own reasons. The question cannot be answered simply in one evening, but each consciousness has its own defense systems and its own vitality; you should trust your own. You cooperate together to form the physical reality that you know, telepathically, through ways and means that are unknown to you. You weave webs of psychic reality that then coalesce into physical reality. You do not necessarily weave them alone, but together. Your thoughts intertwine with those of others. You are responsible for your own thoughts. You need to learn the power of thought and emotion, but this should fill you with the joy of creativity. Once your realize that your thoughts form reality, then you are no longer a slave to events. You simply have to learn the methods.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 01:37:38 +0000

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