SHARED FROM ,,,,,,SCOTT LOBAIDO , AMERICAN FLAG PAINTER,,,,>>>>>What is there to say? I have spent a quarter century trying to enlighten you of what was to come of us. Spending many a night in a jail cell fighting against this moment of insanity. Beating the drums of warning for decades, when it was taboo. Many of you laughed and called me a fool, publicity whore. NOW you understand what I was trying to tell you. Warning you of this dire time of civil discourse when the soulless uneducated progressive young punks would have power over those of us who have knowledge and experience of what is right and wrong. 90% of these (so- called) activists are following a tweet, FB post, to join a rally that they have zero clue about. The worst part is that these spoiled trust fund punks are ruining it for those who actually believe in their fight. Revolution? Ha. My ass. These trust fund 20-30 something punks who succumb to their POS liberal arts professors are nothing. They care not about the families of Brown, Garner, etc! They care only about warming their insecure empty souls, by following the twitter orders of some socialist- America-hating, faux activist. And the worst part of this all is that these ignorant 20-30 year old (need to belong) punks are getting a pass to disrupt the working mans life. Shame on us for allowing these FAKE revolutionaries who convince the main stream media that they have an actual cause! The Brown family, the Garner family, have a cause. These soulless trust-fund progressive punks do not. The Occupy Wall Street gig is over. Dont use the deaths of Brown and Gardner in order for you to take part in something youre really not interested in, just to take a selfie at any protest and convince ur friends that you are hip, and actually CARE. Funny thing is, the bunch of you punks wud jump out a window if u lost ur cell phone, and wouldnt know how to protest without someone tweeting you. Hey look at me! Im at a protest...uhmm... for....uhmm.. whatever... look at my instagram pic I took of ME... fighting for....uhm... I dont know....who cares... Im here, Im special. Funny, scary Shit folks. Funny, scary shit.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:05:04 +0000

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