Secret Societies and the New World Order The plan to establish - TopicsExpress


Secret Societies and the New World Order The plan to establish one world government is not new. It is a long established goal of those who practice the Mysteries. The Mystery Religion is the oldest of all the worlds religions. In fact all the worlds religions stem from the Mysteries except true Orthodox Judaism and true Biblical Christianity. The Mystery Religion stems back to ancient Babylon. The Initiates of the Mysteries have a goal they term the Great Work. They hold this to be a benevolent world dictatorship. It is the sort of benevolent dictatorship Adolf Hitler wanted. Adolf Hitler was himself an Illuminist and a member of the Thule Society. The entire SS were also initiates. The Great Work is a process of illuminating the human soul to a state of apotheosis. It will be completed when the whole human race achieves this state. The Mysteries hold to the Platonic ideal wherein humanity is a singular organism. Adherents view humanity as one collective being, and the individual must sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. Yet the individuals in question are you and me. Socialism and communism have their roots in the Mystery Religion. And despite what so-called experts may say, there is little difference between socialism and communism. The U.S.S.R. stood for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. People are initiated into the Mysteries by degrees. Those who possess the correct attributes continue to rise to the higher degrees. This method of progression through initiation ensures the complete indoctrination of the initiate into the philosophical teaching of the Mysteries. Who are these people? They are the members of all the various secret societies and fraternal organizations such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, the Vatican and many many more. It should be stressed that the majority of the members of these secret societies are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society, church or lodge. The higher initiates are known as the adepts or keepers of the secrets of all ages. The members may belong to any religion when they join the society, yet when they reach the higher echelons and become the adepts, I assure you they all practice the same religion. One thing to remember with regards to these secret societies is that they are all the same at the higher levels. All the adepts belong collectively to what is known as the Illuminati which means the illumined ones. The Illuminati are those who have progressed through the various initiations in the particular branch of the Mystery Schools to which they belong until they have reached the stage of true illumination. Thus these people actually believe that what they are doing is right, just as Adolf Hitler thought that what he was doing was right and beneficial to humanity. If you study back to the thirteenth century you will see that the Knights Templars were financiers. The International Financiers of today are still Knights Templars. The worship of this religion is practiced in secret. The dogma and intentions of this religion are hidden by way of symbology. The average person sees the exoteric, outward or literal meaning of the symbols, while the Adept, Initiate or Illumined see the esoteric or hidden meaning of the symbol. For example if you study ancient history you will see that all the ancient cultures practiced sun worship. The average person (the uninitiated whom they term the profane) saw the sun in the exoteric and worshipped it as a god. While the High Priest saw the esoteric meaning and realized that the sun was only a symbol which represented a greater truth. The sun actually represents the intellect and this is the doctrine or secret of the Mystery Religion. The moon represents the Church of the Mystery School and the stars represent the initiates. The moon does not shine with its own light but with the light of the sun. The Church of the Mysteries is itself lit up from the INTELLECT. The characters in the stories of ancient civilizations represented these objects. For example Osiris and Isis in Egypt represented the sun and the moon respectively. The movie, 2001, A Space Odyssey was an esoteric message to the body of initiates. Very few people understood its true meaning. It was not meant to be understood by the profane. But the Adepts of the Mystery Schools understood it perfectly. The ancient stories of Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek mythology have more meaning than most people realize. Archeologists and historians only see the EXOTERIC and thus miss the whole point of what it all really means. When George Bush referred to a Thousand Points of Light in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates. When Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address was speaking of about the setting sun and then the dawning of the new era he was also using symbolic language. The average person heard the exoteric meanings of these statements while initiates the world over smiled to themselves, as they understood the true meaning. You see George Bush is a member of the Order of Skull and Bones Society. Bill Clinton holds the 33rd degree in the Masonic lodge. Bob Dole, a Republican, is a 33rd degree Freemason. So it doesnt really matter for whom you vote, you are in effect voting for the Mysteries. These people and many others are all practitioners of the Mysteries and know exactly where the world is going. Many judges belong to secret societies. These people are everywhere and are all indoctrinated in the philosophy of the Mysteries. These people believe they have reached a higher point in their evolution (another deception) and have the necessary wisdom to rule the rest of mankind. They believe there are but a few mature minds in the world and that those with the mature intellect need to guide humanity. They consider themselves illumined. All this is true and can be verified in their own writings, this is what they believe. Unless you are willing to open your mind and research this topic you will continue to be deceived. The coming New World Order is based on an occult philosophy known as the Pure Luciferian Doctrine or Illuminism. The symbology for this religion is everywhere.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:33:04 +0000

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