THE DOOR Chapter 13 by Teri Borseti THE DOOR – Chapter 13 By - TopicsExpress


THE DOOR Chapter 13 by Teri Borseti THE DOOR – Chapter 13 By Teri Borseti In a second Shelly was back at home. She decided that these Door trips were the most fun she’d ever had in her life. She was getting a precious glimpse of things that others only got to read about. It was a little scary not knowing where she’d end up but it was the most exhilarated she’d felt in a long, long time. As she headed to her computer to write about her adventure she realized that she’d now completed the fourth journey and she imagined she would soon see Saliba again. That night in bed she took a good look at her life and marveled at how much it changed in just a few short weeks. She still had more questions than answers but decided to go with the flow and see what happened. A couple of days passed and there was no sign of Saliba. Shelly resisted the temptation to take another trip because she knew there were things he had to teach her before she moved onto trip number five. It was gray and raining out and Shelly lit her wood stove for the first time of the season. The house was toasty warm and she’d just put a corn bread in the oven when the phone rang. She reached over and picked it up. ”Hello?” and for a moment no one was there. Again she said “Hello” a little louder, and heard Saliba’s voice. “Miss Tate? Are you free for a discussion?” he asked. “Saliba since when do you call me to set up an appointment? Some times I fear you’ll turn up in my bathroom or one of my cupboards. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere so come on by,” she said. She turned to place a bowl in the sink and there was Saliba at the door. She was barely surprised when she saw him and realized she must be getting used to the strangeness of the whole thing. She opened the door and invited him in. Today’s turban was maroon. “I’m making a corn bread but tell me would it make more sense for me to pour myself a drink for our discussion?” she asked him. Saliba smiled, something he rarely did. “There is no reason for you to be nervous. Soon you will understand everything.” They sat in the living room and Shelly began peppering Saliba with questions. “Are you ready now to tell me what this is all about? Why am I one of the “chosen” ones? Why am I going on these strange disconnected trips? I don’t understand what any of it means. I just liked the painting but I never expected to uncover a whole other world,” she said. “Miss Tate most of the chosen people are chosen from birth, or even before they are born. Those with the right star placements do the best work.” “What work? You also said task? What it is you want from me?” she asked. “I know you may have a difficult time understanding all that I am about to tell you but please keep an open mind. Your focus is vital now. Most of the other humans on this earth have been taught that there is but one earth, the one we occupy, the here and now but there’s so much more. The discovery of the Doors of Dimension dates back to the Nordic gods; Thor, Fjorgyn, Vor, Thryheim and many others. But it wasn’t until after the Renaissance that man was trusted to be handed the power of The Door. It’s been a slow road but we are now making more progress than ever before,” he said. Shelly looked at him confused and a bit annoyed. “What are you talking about?” “It was these Nordic gods that learned about the many earths that have come after this one. There have been and still are earths from the most primitive day right up to the present. The earth we live in is an Alpha planet. It is this time and place from which we are able to improve the others. We return to other earths to right wrongs, correct mistakes, learn how to avoid tragedy and human suffering. The chosen people like you are our time travelers. Each is sent back to a former earth to change the course of history and each time the elder earths are improved upon we get closer to living in a perfect world,” he said. Shelly listened intently and when the bell for the corn bread went off it scared her. She ran to the stove and removed the bread from the oven and was back in a flash. “This is all very confusing and hard to take,” she said to Saliba. “Patience. One can not move forward without developing great patience. We have been sending time travelers, or time manipulators, back for thousands of years and if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be here now. Things could not have happened the way they have without our time manipulators.” She still looked confused but he continued. “Perhaps if I give you an example or two you might understand better. You live in the United States do you not? You have known all of your life that Christopher Columbus discovered America and then came the pilgrims and so on. The early earths were a mess of disasters, too many for you to know about. What if I told you that Columbus’s three ships, the Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Marie never made it to the new world? They were all destroyed in a tremendous storm at sea. It was like a hurricane full of white squalls. The sailors and passengers all ended up at the bottom of the ocean never to be found,” Saliba said. Shelly started to say something but Saliba held up a hand and went on. “It was one of our chosen people who went back and convinced Columbus to change the date he would set sail and it took some doing as he was a stubborn man. But in the end he listened to reason and ended up making it safely to the shores of America. Do you understand?” he asked. “I’m trying to.” was all she said. “Let me give you another more current example. The Americans who were the first to set foot on the moon never really made it there. Their spaceship exploded long before it reached the moon and people were devastated. But that only occurred on one of the older earths because by sending a time manipulator back we were able to right a wrong. Our traveler was able to get to the NASA and make them understand that there was a problem that existed which they knew nothing about. Once the problem was solved the trip was a huge success meaning we righted another wrong in our history,” Saliba said. Shelly needed a few minutes to try to digest what he was telling her. She went to the kitchen to cut the corn bread. She offered him some but he declined. “So how do you intend to fix everything in the earth’s history and why?” she asked. “Because Miss Tate, by putting an end to the bad karma that exists we will eventually have a perfect planet. And one day we will live in complete peace and harmony. When that happens, the Nordic gods will return and lead us to Nirvana. Look at it another way, things that you’ve read in history books, terrible things, are just things we haven’t been able to correct as yet. Take for instance the Hindenburg. No one has been sent back to correct that tragedy yet and so it exploded but one day that bad memory will vanish as well.” Shelly was starting to understand the concept though she still thought it was far fetched. “So why can’t I decide where I’m going to go? Why must I be invisible and without a voice? What happens if I decide not to come back from one of the trips? What is my task?” she asked Saliba. “Miss Tate you’re most anxious, you need to settle down and learn….” “Patience,” she said. Your first four trips were random, up to the Door. We wanted to be sure you could handle the travels but now you’re ready for the next step. During your next four trips you will in fact be visible and have a voice. This changes things considerably I’m afraid and requires much more focus and creativity. You can certainly try to remain in the back ground and observe but you’ll get so much more out of it if you choose to participate. For now the trips will still be random I’m afraid. It’s all part of a test facilitated by The Door,” Saliba explained. Shelly sat wringing her hands and thinking. It was a lot to take in. Finally she hit him with more questions. “So if I pass this test what’s next? Why do I get the feeling that I can’t fail or refuse the position?” “Miss Tate you are being groomed to become a time manipulator. When you have completed your training you’ll be ready to go back and reverse events, change lives or do whatever is necessary. And at that time you will take part in deciding where to go, who to help. But please be advised that although they’re enormously interesting many of the trips will show you the dark side of life. But just trust in the door and continue with your adventures,” Saliba said standing. “I think we’ve talked enough for today but there is one last thing you need to know. It would be very unwise of you to tell anyone about The Door. Our project is not aimed at the minds of the masses. They will not understand.” Shelly knew she probably had at least another hundred questions but Saliba headed to the door. “We will talk again,” he said and left. Shelly quickly walked to the door and looked out the window but there was absolutely no sign of him anywhere. It was as though he just disappeared into thin air.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 12:53:08 +0000

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