THE DOSHAS - A Brief Introducion Ayurveda, ancient - TopicsExpress


THE DOSHAS - A Brief Introducion Ayurveda, ancient medical/holistic system from the vedic civilization of India, teaches that health is maintained by the balancing of three subtle energies known as Doshas - individually they are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Doshas are the energies that make up every individual. Every human usually has varying degrees of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, they are never present in equal proportions and one of them dominates. Vata Dosha: Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, heartbeat and the mind. Pitta Dosha: Energy that controls the bodys metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition, hormones and the bodys temperature. Kapha Dosha: Energy that keep up strength and immunity and controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system. According to Ayurveda, Prakriti or the characteristic personality each of us is made up of a combination of the three types of doshas. The Prakriti is believed to be determined at the time of conception and is influenced by the milieu interior of the womb and the dietary habits and lifestyle of the mother. These Prakritis exhibit attributes of the dominant Dosha in physical, physiological and psychological characteristics. Characteristics of a predominant Vata Dosha: If Vata dosha predominates, the person is quick, alert and restless, walk, talks and thinks quickly. They are slender, tall and have the tendency toward dry skin, cold hands and feet, discomfort in cold climates. Their personality is excitable, lively energetic, creative, and flexible. Vatas respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety and often suffer from insomnia, especially when out of balance. Characteristics of a predominant Pitta Dosha: Pitta people are usually of medium size and weight. They sometimes have bright red hair, but baldness or thinning hair is also common. Pittas have a powerful intellect and good concentration powers. They feel uncomfortable in sun or hot weather and heat makes them very tired. Their sleep is moderate, soundly and not easy to disturbe. They are competitive, enjoy challenges; passionate and romantic, they are good leaders, teachers, and speakers. When out of balance or under stress, Pittas become irritated and angry. Characteristics of a predominant Kapha Dosha: People of kapha constitution are physically strong and with a sturdy, heavier build. They are often overweight, gain weight easily and have high muscle development. Their skin is usually smooth and radiant and they have thick hair; large soft eyes and a low, soft voice. They dont like cold, damp weather. Kapha predominated people learn slowly, but have an outstanding long-term memory. An imbalanced Kapha type typically has to deal with respiratory, metabolic and weight problems. An individuals health, diseases, cure for any disease etc are governed by these three doshas. It is the combination of these three doshas that makes a person different and peculiar from others. Overall well-being and striving for longevity depends on keeping your doshas balanced. Any imbalance among the tridoshas causes a state of unhealthiness or disease. Factors that can bring about balance of the tridoshas are diet, exercise, good digestion, and elimination of toxins. Find out what body type you are: detox-chiangmai/determine.php
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 06:38:44 +0000

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