THE TRUTH ABOUT DAWN MICHELLE RICE PARDON MY BOOK. Just delete if you are so inclined but I have a burning need to tell my story so here goes. Well, I warned my Facebook “friends” that I was going to be posting some negative stuff and I started by telling the story about the Images Agency who did not pay me money due to me. This is going to be another negative post. There comes a time when enough is really enough and I am tired of allowing people to lie, cheat, steal and then no one knows about it and they just go on about their lives with people telling them how wonderful they are when the opposite is the truth. Especially people who post sculptures and the word of God all over their Facebook pages while behaving in the most unchristian manner possible!!! I am speaking of Dawn Michelle Rice, aka Dawn Ward, aka Queenie. I can’t post on Dawns page any longer as she blocked me (no surprise) but a great many of her friends are my Facebook “friends” so am getting the word out by posting on my own pages and in Michael Jackson fan club pages as she is very involved in that community. Expect to see this story often as I want to be sure it gets seen by the right people so will post several times at different times during the day so it does not get lost in the threads. So here is the Dawn story. She, and her 3 kids, needed a place to live so I rented her a home I own here in Las Vegas for a very reduced rate and did not require her to pay any deposits or such when she moved in. She kept having problems arise and kept calling me for help which I was happy to give her, including driving down to the strip and paying for tow truck when her car broke down, loaning her money for food, paying for her car insurance on my credit card, and a long list of other favors I did for her. For the first few months, things went along okay but rent was NEVER paid on time but at least it was paid. Then she missed a month telling me one of her checks did not come and she would have to figure out what was up with that before she could pay me. She paid the next month and made promises about catching up when this settlement or that settlement came in. It was always a Settlement or something like that and never a JOB that was going to catch her up. Then she stopped paying me altogether. She had the most incredible excuses and told me lie after lie after lie after lie, but stupid me, I kept believing she was a good person and would be good to her word so the debt got deeper and deeper. I was paying her utilities as well so she owed me that money in addition to rent and other moneys I fronted her. I honestly can’t explain how good she was at her lies. I have NEVER known anyone who could lie so effectively. And NEVER work. She is darn near half my age but I am working 80 hours a week and she is sponging off me!! Real Christian, isnt it? Not right...just not right. Then, she disappeared completely!!! Her kids disappeared as well! I honestly thought she had skipped town but after a great deal of time and effort, I did find her. She was in Jail!!! Apparently, she was in a bar/casino in Henderson looking for her boyfriend while leaving her two little girls alone in the car in a parking lot. The girls wandered into a Burger King and the police were called to come take care of this situation. I was so glad to hear that the kids were fine as I was very very worried about them which was part of the reason this went on so long. In the meantime, I had evicted her from the house as not only did she not pay me, when I entered the house to search for her and her kids, I found it to be trashed beyond belief. Her boyfriend (who was also in Jail, by the way) had taken a bat or stick of some sort and took out some of his anger on the walls, the washing machine and other areas of the house. In addition, someone burned up the microwave oven and gouged a hole in the brand new tile that was installed just prior to her moving in. In fact, the carpet, tile and paint was all new when she moved in. Seeing how she left it, besides the massive amount of damage, it was filthy beyond belief. But the story continues as in talking to the neighbors and the police, I was told that there were over 20 incidents reported in the few months that she lived there. And I was told that her children were out going door to door looking for food as “mom had not been home for days”. When she got out of jail the first time, she showed back up at the house with a ankle bracelet as she was under House Arrest. When I explained that she had not paid rent in months and had been evicted from the house, she was picked up and placed back in Jail for several weeks. In the meantime her oldest son came to the house and packed up all her things in boxes and placed them in the garage. Then she got out of Jail and came to get her things. Again more lies as she promised me she would repair the damage and clean the house and start making payments on the $7000 she owed me. Yes, I know that I am a huge fool to let it go on so long that her debt got to be so high but you had to have been there to know how effective her lies were and what a good CON artist she is. I honestly believed her when she said the guy who beat up my walls and such was out of her life and she was going to get her life back in order, get her kids back, and start making payments on her debt to me. When I could not reach her, I did post some stuff on her Facebook page (before she blocked me) and she removed it (of course) and called me with more promises. Asked me to not post anything else and she would come over on Monday and clean the house, do some of the repairs and get a new microwave oven to replace the one she destroyed. I thought, ok, this is a start and gave her the benefit of doubt once again. Now I sit here with egg on my face once again as she did not come over on the Monday (almost two weeks ago now) and now her phone is no longer working. She is back with the same boyfriend again and her kids are in Foster Care. I knew her money came in checks from her ex husband who passed away so she got his retirement money and that is how she lives as she has not worked a day in all the time I knew her. Anyway, since she was in Jail and no change of address was put in since she did not have a place to live and was staying with her boyfriends father, I thought she would at least have to face me to get her checks once they came in the mail but she managed to hang out at the mailbox and talk the mailman into giving her the checks and the timing was such that she was out of jail when they arrived so she is even tampering with the US Mail system. Anyway, that is the “Shortened” story about Dawn Michelle Rice aka Dawn Ward aka Queenie. I hope this serves to warn whoever she tries to CON next. Don’t be fooled by her posts on her Facebook page about Love and Faith, that woman has proven to me that she does not live her life in a loving and Christian manner and in fact, has lied to me, cheated me out of money, and trashed my house and has conned me in a major way. I am sick and tired of not saying anything and it is time for the truth to be told. I try to live a life that supports people and helps them with problems and uplifts them but as I get older, I am becoming very bitter about people who take advantage of others kindness and leave people looking like fools for trusting and believing them. The Do Unto Others rule does not seem to apply to some unethical, uncaring, selfish, and black hearted people out there who do not care who they hurt. But, I, for one am not going to take it anymore. It is not right and it is not right for people to get away Scott free from this kind of behavior. So there you have it...Lindas latest negative rant. Maybe it will prevent Dawn from being about to do harm to another person. I sure hope so.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:39:00 +0000

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