Taking a step back Life is moving and shifting all the time. We - TopicsExpress


Taking a step back Life is moving and shifting all the time. We are experiencing a variety of things in a single day and every day is different. In trying to get through our day we have many things to do. We can sometimes feel like robots as we merely go through life performing tasks and fulfilling the roles that are expected of us. As we try to get through each day we get caught up in the details of all the things happening around us. These details can consume our entire lives as they change all the time. It is important for us to change our perspective of our lives so that we can consciously make changes where we wish to. A good way for us to change perspective is to take a step back and look at our lives from an outsiders view. Perhaps we can ask ourselves questions such as- am I happy? Is my life meaningful to me? Am I living or do I just exist through daily life? These kinds of questions allow us to take the crucial step back that we require. Once we have answered the questions we wish to ask ourselves, it will become very evident whether we are in fact living or just existing. The difference between living and existing is not about what you are doing, it is more about how you are doing it. We can all achieve things but if we feel negative towards what we are doing our achieving will hold no meaning for us. If we can change our perspective and do what we do to the best of our ability we automatically start finding meaning and value in what we are achieving. If we remind ourselves to regularly step back and look at our lives, it will give us the opportunity to continually re-adjust our perspective so we can choose to rather live life to the fullest. Happiness is…taking a step back.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 12:50:25 +0000

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