The Foreword for Murmurs of a Madwoman - TopicsExpress


The Foreword for Murmurs of a Madwoman By Crystal Irby There are women among us whose mustard seed faith blooms into mountain moving belief. They push us, in our darkest moments, deepest delusion, to be our better selves and stay the course of character. When we feel we don’t have the will to walk on a higher plane, they pull us close and speak life into us, keep our feet planted on solid ground. There are women among us whose courage has no equivalent metaphor or simile. There are women among us who show us motherhood is not the graveyard of our dreams. They prove that motherhood is not a journey towards an unattainable standard but it is a journey of revelation, a journey of redemption, a space for your authentic self to unmask and show children, it’s the love that matters and remind us, it’s the love that matters. There are women among us who find the beauty and power in all things. These women are unafraid to shed their cocoons openly and allow us to be witnesses to their transformation . . . The first time I saw Thea Monyee was on HBO Def Poetry. I watched this woman with perfectly pressed hair spit a poem that put me on pause. Although they were in perfect pitch, I wasn’t struck by her prose. It was her ability to write and articulate an experience that connected women on every level. It was unabashed, unashamed, relentless truth. It was ego-less, edited down to emotion. In that moment, for me, poetry evolved. The first time I met Thea Monyee, was on a car ride to Ladies Night at A Mic & Dim Lights in Pomona, CA. Her humor instantly disarmed me and erased any awkwardness. Her wisdom and delivery were age defying. I had never met anyone who loved to laugh so much. I thought, how taxing is her enormous personality on her small frame? I wondered if she was aware that everyone could see her heart. I was in awe of her ability to fearlessly expose her soul in return for connection. In that moment, for me, womanhood evolved. In this book, Thea Monyee, in true form, allows us to witness her evolution. Murmurs of a MadWoman asks brave questions. It looks us in the eye and forces us to acknowledge something in our lives has exploded, then, walks us through the often painful and sometimes funny course of reconstructing ourselves. In peeling back her skin, revealing her brokenness/her heart/her soul, Thea doesn’t just hold our hands through this process, she holds our hearts. In her healing hands we are safe. Her work is more than powerful words flawlessly composed. She is not preaching to us. She is talking us through, humming spirituals in our ear. Thea’s work is a moment, an opportunity to evolve some part of yourself, shed that uncomfortable cocoon. Evolve. Fly
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:38:43 +0000

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