The Sun produces a wide spectrum of electromagnetic effects on - TopicsExpress


The Sun produces a wide spectrum of electromagnetic effects on planet Earth and its people. It does so by producing x-rays, ultraviolet radiation and various other light frequencies, as well as by emitting magnetic fields. This later function is a property of solar plasma. Solar plasma is the ions and electrons from atoms blown apart at the surface of the sun by its extreme heat. When the solar wind plasma reaches the Earth, an international government agency reported, these embedded magnetic fields interact with the Earths magnetic field, distorting it to form a compression on the dayside, and a very elongated tail on the nightside, away from the Sun. The region within which the Earths magnetic field is contrained is called the magnetoshpere... The solar UV, x-rays and charged particles, also ionize the upper part of the Earths atmosphere resulting in a region, called the ionosphere, which can be studied by radar methods. This report, issued by EISCAT - the European Incoherent Scatter Association that is comprised and funded by seven nations: Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom - further explained the eleven year cycle of changing electromagnetism surrounding the earth due to changes of the solar wind and plasma. EISCATs authors explained that high in the Earths atmosphere magnetic field lines provide routes for particles to interact with the neutral gas to produce spectacular auroral displays ...and additional ionization at polar and auroral latitudes. Electric fields and currents are also transferred between the magnetosphere and the auroral zone ionosphere. The purpose of EISCAT, its promotion stated, was to study these regions with radars which transmit powerful radio waves into the ionosphere, where a small fraction of the energy is scattered back to the radar receiver.... EISCAT uses this technique the article said, in the study of solar-terrestrial physics. The scattered signal contains information describing the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. What EISCATs report failed to mention was the their scatter back could have a profound effect on the weather and all living bio-electric systems including human beings. The authors also neglected to reveal EISCATs connections to Cold Spring Harbor labs and the infamous atmospheric heating project HAARP. In other words, what EISCATs propaganda failed to disclose was the EISCAT represented the quintessential bio-electric technology for population surveillance and control. As this chapter details, projects EISCAT and HAARP provide the bio-electric technology to kill all the Iron Mountain birds with one fell swoop from inner space. Iron Mountain is located close to the town of Hudson, New York. The report by government consultants who met at this site beginning in 1963, briefly described this meeting place as something out of [an] Ian Fleming James Bond novel. It is an underground nuclear hideout for hundreds of large American corporations. Most of them use it as an emergency storage vault for important documents. But a number of them maintain substitute corporate headquarters, as well, where essential personnel could presumably survive and continue to work after an attack. This latter group includes such firms as Standard Oil of New Jersey, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, and Shell. Standard Oil, of course, is owned principally by the Rockefeller family whose connections to the Committee of 300, NATO and The Club of Rome have already been detailed. Manufacturers Hanover Trust is directed by Gabriel Hague, who is also affiliated with these largely secret organizations. Finally, according to Dr. John Coleman, Shalls controlling interests are held by Queen Elizabeth II. The Iron Mountain report, On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, was written by anonymous authors and published in late 1967 with an introduction by Leonard C. Lewin who edited the manuscript. Its extraordinary content immediately sparked controversy and criticism of Lewin. Shortly thereafter, he reversed his position and announced that the meeting had not really happened. The report was his own satirical hoax, he retracted. By that time, the report had been so widely distributed, and believed, that its readers did not know which Lewin story to trust. Given the relevance of The Report From Iron Mountain to Cecil Rhodess century old quest to charm young America share in a scheme to take the government of the whole world for the cessation of all wars (as coordinated by a secret society under British rule), Len and Joey were left feeling the report was legitimate for at least five reasons: 1) someone with Lewins apparent intimate knowledge of government operations and shadow governor objectives would not likely waste time, nor jeopardize his professional career, by developing and then distributing a hoax in the form of a serious work; 2) the in-depth analysis provided by the work would likely be missing in a satire; 3) a satire would likely include obviously satirical content missing in the final publication; 4) the work was published by an organization with Masonic and secret society connections - The Dial Press, Inc.; and 5) there was precedence for calling a legitimate document a satirical hoax - the old Hegelian thesis-antithesis-synthesis model - likewise successfully performed with The Protocols of the Elders of Sion. For all the above reasons, suggestions that The Report From Iron Mountain was a satirical hoax, were likely designed to confuse - standard counterintelligence propaganda. Intelligent readers may judge for themselves as Figure 11.2 provides the recommendations provided by the Iron Mountain group at the conclusion of their report. Following a thorough reading of this, it may be seen that EISCATs efforts are, in reality, and quoting directly from the report, intended to develop: 1) as part of a giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets ...[since] space research can be viewed as the nearest modern equivalent yet devised to the pyramid-building, and the similar ritualistic enterprises, of ancient societies; 2) a permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system the best of which is conducted from outer space with the aid of extensive radar and surveillance technology; 3) massive global environmental pollution including the effect of global warming (generated largely by the EISCAT and HAARP atmospheric heaters), as well as the ozone depletion problem that has manufactured environmental pollution required to present an international threat that only a one world government can effectively handle; 4) an acceptable threat from outer space or an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace that includes most of the alien phenomena; the cyclic solar flares described by EISCAT that are blamed for El Nino and related environmental damage; and the economic gain resulting from related natural disasters including hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes; 5) a comprehensive social control program, or a modern sophisticated form of slavery, that, as these final chapters evidence, are likely linked to the scatter back of specific electromagnetic broadcasts capable of modifying, if not completely controlling human health and behavior in a program heralded for health and social welfare; and 6) a direct eugenic management program, or comprehensive program of applied eugenics for depopulation which is easily brought about by several of the above EISCAT and HAARP capabilities. Len and Joey had no idea when they began this effort that the outcome would be a complete expose of the hitherto secret program to technologically control populations. Similarly, when they first read the Report From Iron Mountain, they failed to recognize the full extent to which its recommendations were being implemented. After receiving from Joey the background on harmonics beginning with the vibrational frequencies hidden within the Solfeggio, later discovering the true power and meaning behind the British intelligence agencys MI6, and DNA repair frequency 528, the collaborators were primed, but not fully prepared, to see the big picture. The pieces fell together when Len was intuitively guided to investigate EISCAT and project HAARP in detail. To see the big picture most clearly, and how the specifics in The Report From Iron Mountain are being actualized, figure 11.2 provides the summary report and conclusions from this initially secret document. Readers are urged to integrate this knowledge and then proceed to the next section describing EISCAT and HAARPs activities. In addition, EISCATs frequencies and their relationship to numerology is discussed in the appendix section of this book. As mentioned, EISCATs supporting nations include Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Mins the United States, where HAARP is located, these nations represent the majority of NATO countries. They also just happened to be the chief funding sources for UNFPA - the United Nations Fund for Population Activities. According to a report from the United Nations, The U.N. Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) is the largest multilateral source of external funding for population action programs in developing countries. Between 1969 and 1978, UNFPA provided over $250 million in support of more than 1,200 population projects in more than 100 countries. In 1977, the Funds annual budget, obtained from voluntary contributions, exceeded $100 million. The major donors were, once again, the principle NATO nations. The United States in recent years has provided about 30% of total UNFPA funding. The UNFPA report continued: Most of the projects that UNFPA supports are implemented through organizations and specialized agencies of the U.N. system, acting in their respective fields of competence. Among these are the U.N. Office of Technical Cooperation, the U.N. Development Program (UNDP), World Health Organization (WHO), [the] U.N. Childrens Fund (UNICEF) ...[and pothers]. The World Bank and its soft-loan affiliate, the International Development Association (IDA), entered the population assistance field in 1968. This reflected the Banks conviction that rapid population growth is a major barrier to the economic and social progress of many developing countries. Supported projects have included a widening range of activities relevant to an effective population program. Assistance is provided on conventional Bank terms or, in the case of especially weak economies, on highly subsidized soft-loan terms. [Meaning repayment was not required.] Bilateral assistance, the report said, came from the NATO countries and Japan. The U.S. program comprised about two-thirds of the total over the 1965-78 period, and the entire operation was administered by the Agency for International Development (USAID). The voluntary contributors funding the lions share of depopulation operations according to the State Department was the United States through USAID. A number of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) additionally contributed in recognition of the need for many-sided efforts for effective overall population [control/reduction] assistance to developing countries. The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations have been major supporters of world population programs since 1965. In other words, U.S. taxpayers provided The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, and others, with money to effectively administer eugenics. This new level of applied eugenics came in 1965 as The Report From Iron Mountain was being finalized. Moreover, EISCAT is linked to these same organizations and funding sources. For instance, figure 11.3 documents the intimate links between EISCAT, Americas project HAARP, and Cold Spring Harbor labs in New York - the top American eugenics laboratory, home of the Human Genome Project. Cold Spring Harbor labs is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation which remains a chief benefactor of world population reduction programs, and among the earliest instigators of eugenics along with the Royal Family. This EISCAT document revealed that EISCATs text, that is it propaganda, was issued by Cold Spring Harbor who held its copyright. The figure also shows the Programme from the 4th European Heating Seminar held on May 16-19, 1995. Following a preliminary presentation entitled, EISCAT - Heating: results and future prospects, the U.S> Heater plans (HAARP) program was presented by M. T. Rietveld. Thus, despite the alleged lack of U.S. funding for EISCAT, the U.S. was actively involved. According to the descriptive abstract accompanying U.S. Patent number 4,686,605, HAARPs patent provides for: A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earths surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly-polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region, thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region. The HAARP patent, assigned to ARCO Power Technologies, Inc., a division of the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company, entitled Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earths Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere, was claimed by inventor Bernard J. Eastlund to have several uses. According to Alaskan author Eric Nashlund, who broke the HAARP story in the Australian magazine Nexus, these uses included: disruption of communications over a very large portion of the Earth ...disrupting not only land-based communications, but also airborne communications and sea communications (both surface and subsurface) ...missile or aircraft destruction, deflection or confusion.... Weather modification altering solar absorption ...ozone, nitrogen etc. concentrations could be artificially increased. The patents prior art section acknowledged the previous related inventions of inventor Nikola Tesla. His referenced articles had appeared during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In the book Angels Dont Play This HAARP, by authors Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Tesla described the earliest applications of this technology in a feature story that appeared in the New York Times on December 8, 1915. It read: Nikola Tesla, the inventor, has filed patent applications on the essential parts of a machine, possibilities [of which] test a laymans imagination and promise a parallel of Thors shooting thunderbolts from the sky to punish those who had angered the gods.... Suffice it to say that the invention will go through space with a speed of 300 miles a second, a man-less ship without propelling engine or wings sent by electricity to any desired point on the globe on its errand of destruction, if destruction [is what] its manipulator wishes to effect. It is not a time, said Dr. Tesla yesterday, to go into the details of this thing. It if founded upon a principle that means great things in peace; it can be used for great things in war. But I repeat, this is no time to talk of such things. Though he obviously lacked a desire to explore details, Tesla continued: It is perfectly practicable to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible, and have describe it in my technical publications, among which I refer to my patent number 1,119,732 recently granted. With transmitters of this kind we are enabled to project electrical energy in any amount to any distance and apply it for innumerable purposes, both in war and peace. Through the universal adoption of this system, ideal conditions for the maintenance of law and order will be realized, for then the energy necessary to the enforcement of right and justice will be normally productive, yet potential, and in any moment available, for attack and defense. The power transmitted need not be necessarrily destructive, for, if [people are] made to depend upon it, its withdrawal or supply will bring about the same results as those now accomplished by force of arms. Though heating the atmosphere in the wake of a global warming crisis might seem inappropriate to everyone except Satan, the discrepancy might be reconciled with a background check on HAARPs patent assignee. Few realize that the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company is closely linked to the British Royal Family, MI^, the Committee of 300, NATO and the Illuminatis Club of Rome. According to Dr. John Coleman, a former member of British MI6, extensively detailed th hierarchy of the New World Order conspirators, members of the Committee of 300 include[d] Lord Hartley Shawcross and Sirs Brian Edward Mountain, Kenneth Keith, Kenneth Strong, William Stephenson, and William Wiseman. All of the foregoing are (or were) heavily involved in key Committee 300 companies which interface with literally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of commercial activity.. one of these companies is Atlantic Richfield. In this regard Coleman wrote: MI6 ran a large number of thee companies thorough British intelligence stationed in the RCA building in New York, which was the headquarters of its chief officer, Sir William Stephenson. Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was formed by G. E., Westinghouse, Morgan Guarantee and Trust (acting for the British crown), back in 1919 as a British intelligence center... In addition, another affiliate of RCA was United Fruit, identified as a CIA front that was intimately linked to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Coleman continued: It is obvious that the communications field is tightly controlled. Going back to RCA, we find that its directorate is composed of British-American establishment figures who feature prominently in other organizations such as the CFR, NATO, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Bilderbergers, Round Table, Milner Society and the Jesuits-Aristotle Society. Among them was David Sarnoff [RCAs president] who moved to London at the same time Sir William Stephenson moved into the RCA building in New York. Al three major television networks came as spin-offs from RCA, especially the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) which was first, closely followed by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in 1951. The third big television network was Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) which, like its sister companies was, and still is, dominated by British intelligence. William Paley was trained in mass brainwashing techniques at the Tavistock Institute prior to being passed as qualified to head CBS.... On RCAs board sits Thornton Bradshaw, president of Atlantic Richfield and a member of NATO, World Wildlife Fund, the Club of Rome, The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Bradshaw is also chairman of NBC. The most important function of RCA remains its service to British intelligence. Dr. Coleman published for posterity the important organizational chart seen in figure 3.6 that summarized the Illuminatis worldwide operations. The real problem with HAARP, according to Hughs HAARP Info Page - a well publicized and active primenet website - is the news blackout. Not so. The real problem is that HAARP, virtually in one fell swoop from inner space, provides the capability to fulfill the majority of population policy recommendations advanced in The Report From Iron Mountain. There was no mention of this critical fact on this website or any other investigation into HAARP by any author(s). The real problem is that HAARP, given the documentation provided herein, is most likely intended to actualize the initiatives the Iron Mountain group recommended in their 1967 report. The giant open-end space research program, of which HAARP is a part, could easily be used as a permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system. As its patent clearly indicates, HAARPs capacity to survey communications and cause total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the Earth ...disrupting not only land-based communications, but also airborne communications and sea communications (both surface and subsurface) is by itself potentially lethal in unprecedented measure. That The Report From Iron Mountain called for massive global enviornmental pollution, while HAARP and EISCAT have demonstrated a hazardous ability to affect solar absorption, nitrogen, and ozone levels is disconcerting. Obviously the technology is far from benign as it is being used today to heat up the earths atmosphere in an age when widespread climatic changes endanger virtually every living thing. This relationship alone is extraordinarily incriminating and threatening. Additionally suspicious and troubling is the medias coverage of the alien phenomenon during the last part of the twentieth century. In keeping with the Iron Mountain reports recommendation to create an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace, the HAARP and EISCAT technologies might easily come into play in the grand finale - Hollywoods ending to the millennium - a curtain call for the Old World of managed chaos. Confronting the threat of Y2K computer glitches, massive communication and energy shut downs and, as a result, social chaos, including, of course, loss of life - conditions demanding unprecedented forms of social control - all of this seemed peculiarly similar to what the doctors from Iron Mountain prescribed. Specifically, the atmospheric electromagnetic technologies applied by HAARP and EISCAT could acutely, or over the long term, create massive population reduction - death and destruction from natural and man-made disasters - all justifying a flexible military presence as proposed in the report. Further recommended on pages 99 and 100, under the execution of the nonmilitary functions of war, the U.S. Government and its secret leaders were advised to extend war games methods to social and political systems. Through the creation of quasi-adversary proceedings, such as the initiation and funding of bogus (and legitimate) terrorist organizations and events as broadcast by various news agencies, and the social chaos associated with communications and energy systems failures, citizens will desire and demand more government protections, interventions, and control. In this context threats from space, including those which are being used to justify HAARPs existence, are ideal. All of this is a real problem with HAARP and EISCAT. Finally, according to the report, since excess population is war material (p. 74), in the peaceful New World Order it was considered necessary to reduce excess populations in the ways cited above, as well as to develop a comprehensive social control program - or slavery in a technologically modern and acceptable manner. This topic will be discussed in the final chapter of this book. The capability to provide technological slavery is most likely to be largely provided by HAARPs and EISCATs electromagnetic frequency generators and methodologies researched and perfected by British and American intelligence agencies since the 1940s. The scatter back of specific electromagnetic frequency broadcasts are capable of modifying, if not completely controlling, numerous aspects of the human condition. In this context, simple identification and surveillance programs that operate electromagnetically, including the medical biochip, the health passport card, and possibly even the prion crystal, may only be part of the applied science of technological slavery and direct eugenic management proposed in The Report From Iron Mountain. ~Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse Leonard G. Horowitz
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 21:35:58 +0000

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