The Wave of Massive Light is Here on Earth The Galactic Creators - TopicsExpress


The Wave of Massive Light is Here on Earth The Galactic Creators have a deep desire for Peace and Freedom and that is manifesting successfully now on the Earth and we ask that you believe that Heaven is on Earth now. As of July 26th 2013 , the old Earth cycle has completed and closed its portal and now the Lion Star Gate has opened for the Massive Light frequency to completely infiltrate on to the crystalline grid of consciousness on earth to activate children of the earth into the new 5th dimensional frequency. Earth is now shifting into a Galactic family of Light. This is the cycle of New Earth Evolution into the Light body. The multiple layer of work that was done in the past years have been done much on the Higher Levels/Worlds to create Heaven on Earth is now beginning to manifest into Physical Form. The massive Light that everyone has been waiting for is now on Earth. Many think its the huge mother ship and in fact, yes it is but its not how many thought they will see in the Sky. This mother ship is connected to the Feminine Sirian Feline Star. The Mother Ship or The Light which anchored from the feminine Sirian feline Star System has completely entered thru the Lion Star Gate of Galactic Central Light and brought down the Massive New Light Codes to assist in Evolution of the integration of Light to all children of the Earth The Truth and the Knowledge for everyone is opening now from the portal of Sphinx of Giza Pyramid on earth as The Star Lion gate has opened its portal in sky bringing out the Gold (knowledge and Truth) for all. Heaven Heart and Mother Earth Heart is now completely united as one Unity of Consciousness and is now completed . This Unity of Lights is a Mark of new cycle of New Earth. Door of Opportunity will open for everyone rapidly on Earth who believes in this change. Many who are ready will be activated with the new Light codes. Be ready for your soul purpose, we are moving into beautiful time as this never happens before on Earth. This is the first time this Massive Light has ever entered Earth and the whole Universe has been watching . It was an experiment but now its successful . Count our Blessing that Heaven is on earth now. The Grand Light is here. The Energy of Galactic World Teacher is here transmuting the teaching / Knowledge through the New Light grid of Knowledge, Wisdom and Love. The East meets the West and in your understanding it’s the integration of the teaching of Buddha and Jesus. Yes there will be some uncomfortable change very soon , but no fear, there is no room for fear as it is an illusion that was created as Veil or Separation from the Light, as this change will open the space for this new Energy for the highest good of all. The Grand Water Trine energies has assisted in the opening of the portal for the Star Gate on July 26th& 27th and these energies are integrated into the Earth under the energy of Feline Energies of Sirius . The Star Gate is now opened for a short period of time which allows a powerful vortex of Massive Light to enter fully on the Earth and will be completed on Leo Full moon. This Full moon in Leo/Aquarius energy assists in integration of the new Solar/Lunar Codes and the human light body template and activation for receiving the incoming energies. This massive Light is the Mother of All Creation . The Blue Star system of Sirius has worked closely with the Earth since the beginning of earth creation. The Sirians Star System fully help in the establishment of the Ancient Egyptian civilization after the destruction of Atlantis. In Ancient Egypt, the Sirians were the keeper of Star Wisdom and Creation history . The Core /There Truth lies much in Ancient Egypt . This is why all the Egyptian Symbols and Energy have been strong on Earth now and while the Sirian Lights are standing by to assist along with other star systems, they are leaving the Earth Keepers/ The Elders who are now rising up their Energies and the Family of Light to manage and pave the way on the New Earth. Some of you might feel dizzy during period of July 26th till the Leo Full moon in August 2013. More integration of Light body and DNA upgrades are to come (Downloads /Remembering) So meditate daily now to align with this new Light codes . Ask and you shall receive . Your Galactic World Teacher now is coming as the Age of Maya –Kali Kriya has ended. Love and Light !!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:56:07 +0000

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