The annual California High School Pinto Football Camp was held - TopicsExpress


The annual California High School Pinto Football Camp was held last week, July 21-24, at Riley Field, where approximately 52 boys in grades 9-12 were in attendance. On the final day of the camp, CHS Head Football Coach Marty Albertson said, “We’ve basically been working on fundamentals. We’ve made a few changes due to personnel changes, but mostly we’re just getting ready for the season.” Directing the camp along with Albertson were coaches Gearly Labuary, Rick Edwards, Rich Matzes, Robb Hartman and David Austin. Following camp, the Pintos will begin practice for the 2014 season Monday, Aug. 4, at 7 a.m. The Pintos will see their first action on the field at the jamboree Friday, Aug. 15, at Blair Oaks High School, Wardsville. “I’m excited for the season to get going,” Albertson said. “This is a different team than last year’s team, but we have some explosive kids who should be exciting to watch.”
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:56:37 +0000

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