The essence of the Baloch liberation charter is about recognising - TopicsExpress


The essence of the Baloch liberation charter is about recognising the agonizing fact that if the people of Balochistan do not regain their freedom and independence, they will meet an even graver prospect than that of the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. Nobody came to save these peoples and no one will come to rescue the Baloch. Only people who live in Balochistan can bring self determination. So the centrepiece of the Balochistan liberation charter is self-reliance. Living under colonial control is degrading and socially incapacitating. Expecting salvation from the colonial establishments is ill-founded. Submission, be it out fear or ignorance, in this respect contain the seeds of self destruction. The ruling colonisers would only conspire against Baloch people and prosper at expense of their misery. Once Baloch believe in their own abilities and rights then they can and will get rid of the colonial bandits from their homeland. It is then that they can establish a modern, democratic and workable political system according to their own values, codes, culture, state of development and environment. A liberation charter is an essential requirement of any subjugated nation. Without a lucid and progressive roadmap that can act as guardian of public interest – the liberation movements will probably fail. One note of caution that we need to remind ourselves here is that having a charter by itself, although is a necessary requirement, is not in itself sufficient for a successful liberation movement. Without a charter the liberation movement would clearly be in a much weaker position. At the heart of our movement must be the respect and commitment to democratic principles. No tiny group should control and lead our liberation movement. Our movement is one that embraces all of the Baloch nation and strives to win independence and freedom. The call for a liberation charter became an indispensible necessity the very day that Balochistan was illegally occupied by the British imperial army in 1848. If Baloch people had the knowledge, the resources and capability of formulating a workable democratic political contract at the time then their liberation struggle would not have taken so long. A liberation charter cannot achieve its objectives unless it ascends from grassroots general public. In order to be effective and applicable it must be conceived, geminated, nurtured and grow within Baloch liberation movement. Embedded in a document of such nature should be a deep sense of realization of pain, anguish, humility, hunger, demand, desire, freedom and well-being of the Baloch people. Hence, as it stems out of the self-governing aspiration of the public then the Balochistan liberation charter in its essence is grounded in the very fabric of the experience of Baloch people under illegal occupation, their demands and their democratic rights. An applicable charter adjudicates between conflicting claims and deeply held convictions. Hence, it belongs to every person who lives in Balochistan. It decodes the general rights and responsibilities of every one of us towards our people and homeland. In this way the charter would clearly draw a clear demarcation line between the present imposed political system and the political system that the Baloch wish to adopt after their independence. But the restoration of a free Balochistan is not a derivation of a progression of random chance. The determining prerequisite for such a mission to succeed is a clear and candid democratic vision. Freedom will prove untenable without this vision if not articulated in a form of a charter prior to the event of liberation. There is a necessary connection between termination of the colonial tyranny that values the rights of a few and a free Balochistan that respects the equal rights of every citizen under the law. This aim is not achievable without a thoughtful and workable enlightened roadmap. It is among the cardinal rights of the Baloch nation to demand a clear liberation manifesto from their conscious political leadership. It should be a plan that would explicitly explain the objectives of the liberation in a transparent and accessible manner. That means making political leadership accountable for their plans, objectives and actions before and after the liberation. Wishful thinking without a national plan before and after the illegal occupation will not automatically bring national independence, democracy, justice and prosperity. It is the yearning of every person to break free from the yoke of subjugation but unless such desires, dreams and wishes are articulated in clear and workable manner they will never materialize. Baloch people have always resisted colonial repression. But their resistance has neither been consistent nor with clear objectives. Both these shortcomings have immensely undermined the effectiveness of our freedom struggle and our eventual victory even though most political leadership and our masses have been genuine and upright about their intention. Many of them have tried their best with the given resources, conditions, and environment. Nonetheless, they have lacked a clear national liberation vision. If they did, the state of affairs would not be the same in Balochistan now. Without a well-defined charter that specifies our political ideals, our demands and actions the freedom movement then would sooner or later be channelled into a personality cult or a strict ideological doctrine. The rights and emancipation of a nation would be substituted with celebrity worships. There is an irreparable danger in forsaking the salvation of a nation in one person. The ground upon which a mass freedom movement flourish and bear fruits requires masses of voluntary grass-roots participation in the movement and the process of decision making. The long-term democratic rights of Baloch nation cannot be granted solely by any evangelistic individual or political party. For the movement to succeed it requires a well-defined social, legal, political, and economic contract. Our national liberation movement has currently reached its most critical historical junction. Baloch masses are ready to liberate themselves while the colonial powers are inhaling their last toxic breath. Our movement has benefitted from a wealth of knowledge and experience from other liberation movements. At our disposal are unprecedented advances in information technology, communication and global media. For the first time in human history there are more democratic states and nations in the world than the dictatorial and totalitarian regimes. The political tide is at its highest level against the autocratic states and is also accelerating with astonishing speed.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:29:27 +0000

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