”The next twenty years are going to make this last twenty years - TopicsExpress


”The next twenty years are going to make this last twenty years just pale People tend right now to think that the future of the Web is Web 2.0; its like a better Web. I went back to the early issues of Wired and all the Time magazines and Newsweeks and the newspapers trying to find out what people thought the Web was going to be before it was. Generally, what people thought, including to some extent myself, was it was going to be better TV, like TV 2.0. Thats what we thought the Web would be at first—5,000 different sources giving you the specialty information about a horse channel and a dog channel and a cat channel and a saltwater aquarium channel, all these things would be coming down, and they would be providing all this stuff, and you could get it all in your home. But, of course, that missed the entire real revolution of the Web, which was that most of the content would be generated by the people using it. The Web was not better TV, it was the Web. Now we think about the future of the Web, we think its going to be the better Web; its going to be Web 2.0, but its not. Its going to be as different from the Web as Web was from TV. I think in that next stage its also going to be a very frontier-like situation where there is openness; There is lawlessness. There are land grabs; There is a sense in which the great uncertainty and new wealth and the resistance of the established players trying to bend things in their direction. The next step after that will be collapse and consolidation of that frontier.”
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:07:33 +0000

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