There comes a time where unfortunately fb is a place to put your - TopicsExpress


There comes a time where unfortunately fb is a place to put your personal business out there, for no other reason than to avoid having to tell so many people the same story,repeatedly & to humble yourself enough to ask for prayers~many of you know how I recently had a cyst removed....the cyst turned out to be a malignant tumor on my ovary.While theyre confident they removed everything,I will begin low dose oral chemo,with a few rounds of iv chemo sometime next wk...I ask for your prayers as this is a very emotional time for all of us,but most especially my sweet Connor. I feel confident in the Drs at Ocshner,as well as my Lord & savior who guided me to seek medical attention so early! Now is the time for a true testament of my faith & I pray I live up to the challenge, as its always easier to stand strong & be the supportive rock for someone else...Thank you all in advance for your prayers
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:36:58 +0000

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