This is without a doubt the best documentary I have ever seen! - TopicsExpress


This is without a doubt the best documentary I have ever seen! John Pilger is such an incredible leader, he has to be the most honest, caring, wise and courageous person on the planet... His nonstop fight for the hopeless, impoverished, oppressed, and defenseless human beings of the globe is almost unparrelled by any other person on this entire planet. Unfortunately too many Americans love to see third world workers make just 17 US cents an hour producing the goods they use every day! It is awful to know that black and brown third world slaves produced all of our hats, jeans, underwear, t-shirts, shoes, heavy machinery, refrigerators, cell phones, laptops, furniture, and shoes that we use every day. Yes, we are the richest nation on earth (GDP wise) but at what detriment to the other human beings on this planet? What will it take for us to actually say humans rights, including economic human rights, as begin essential for all human beings on this planet not just here in America? Why did we sign NAFTA, why did we sign CAFTA, and why are we pushing the TPP and the TTIP? Do Americans not understand this is how US corporations like Wal-mart, Caterpillar, NIke, Gap, Levis, Old Navy, GE, Proctor and Gamble, Pfizer, Whirlpool, JC-Penney manipulate third world 25 US cents an hour labor and ship jobs to third world nations with 15 US cents an hour min wage laws? Destroying our own economy in the process and enslaving/extorting all third world nations of the world 99.9999% of them predominantly black and brown citizens. These trade deals have got to go they are completely heinous! Only buy American-made goods! America is literally trying to starve, enslave and/or kill the people of every black and brown nation on this planet with nafta, caftan, and the TPP. These are just awful/slave like working conditions of third world workers. Not to mention the nature subsidies that giant US Corporations get paid by the US government, collected from ALL US taxpayers, to sell commodities like corn and sugar to third world nations at such a cheap price that the local farmers in those nations have no choice but to either go out of business or significantly reduce the price of their produce. This causes thousands of farmers to lose massive amounts of their only income and forces them to fire their farm workers and even lose their lands altogether. This pushes these third world workers off the farms and into 17 US cents an hour factory jobs that have been sent to third country thanks to trade deals like nafta and cafta and the coming TPP. We are heavily subsidizing and exporting food commodities to nations that citizens in the third world nations produce to survive. It is their only means to make a living and we are causing them to literally starve to death. The third world farmers are under-cut by the cheap US tax-payer subsidized foreign food imports, causing them to go bankrupt because they can’t compete and because of this the majority of them lose not just their crops and businesses but also their land. As a result of this most of them are forced to go into the factories making 30 US cents an hour and if the 12 US cents an hour jobs are all taken many of them go garbage dumps to scour through that for food to feed themselves and their families. The United States is starving 50% of these human beings to death and the other 50% are pushed off of the plantations into the factories for slave labor. These slave laborers get no overtime pay, no retirement, have no child labor restrictions, no health coverage or benefits package, no unemployment compensation, workers compensation, no factory safety protocol or protections, and often made to work to 36 hours straight with no break, and If they refuse or speak out they are fired and/or threatened both physically and verbally, have their limbs chopped off, or are killed, and if then their position in the factory is just replaced with someone who will produce the goods that are sent back to the US, Australia, rich Western European nations and Canada. For instance the workers in the Nike factory in Indonesia get paid 14 US cents an hour to make shoes that Nike ships to the US and turns around and sells for close to $180 US dollars each. The average Nike third Indonesian factory worker does not even make enough in a week to buy the Shoe-Laces that are on the brand new pair of the Nike Air Jordan’s they are producing. But if the slave laborer cannot find a job working for a US trans-national Corporation working for slave labor they have to search through the garbage for food or their families pretty much die of starvation. It is truly the United State’s perfect strategy for complete evil and absolute global genocide without even firing a single gun or dropping a single atomic bomb. So you ask me why and how are the most abjectly impoverished nations of the world with black and brown people so poor and dying of starvation? And I will tell you this is completely by design. This is designed genocide formulated by the quasi and so called leaders of the United States! The American government, American Corporations, American diplomats and politicians, American media, are directly at the forefront of this global genocide leading us and guiding us in this global genocide 100% of the way.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:56:38 +0000

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