This video has been bouncing around. Youve probably seen it. We - TopicsExpress


This video has been bouncing around. Youve probably seen it. We found it striking how Mr Armstrongs career path has paralleled that of our own Dr Wasmund... following fame* and fortune* as a biomedical researcher with a fulfilling career as a bike shop mechanic! Come on down and have Steve change your flat. Hes faster! ps- Valve caps help. Tire levers dont ;-) outsideonline/featured-videos/gear-videos/bikes/How-to-Fix-a-Flat--with-Lance-Armstrong.html#ooid=l0cGgzbTp6pXWkTaybT4CznmWMTvzEl2
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 14:15:48 +0000

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