Tired of being treated like an average? Oddly enough, most doctors - TopicsExpress


Tired of being treated like an average? Oddly enough, most doctors prescribe medication based on an average. This means you may have blood tests, the results plot you against the average of everyone else. If you fall outside of these parameters, medication is prescribed to bring your body back in line. As a disclaimer, I need to point out that this is an oversimplification of the diagnostic medicine as doctors will take many factors into account before prescribing. The next step is to continually test and adjust the dosage against the results. The period between tests and dosage can vary dramatically. The idea to adjust medication more reactively to the body such as insulin is a very good example. Researches in Switzerland have developed a sub dermal or under the skin device that will constantly perform blood tests and feedback to your doctor or other connected devices. actu.epfl.ch/news/under-the-skin-a-tiny-laboratory-4/
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:54:14 +0000

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