Today is not just another three day weekend or day off work so as - TopicsExpress


Today is not just another three day weekend or day off work so as you sit there and sip your drinks, grill your meat, enjoy a day off, laugh with your family and friends, blast the music in the back yard and live your life just remember that it was all made possible by those who unselfishly gave it up so you can have it so remember when you see that elderly man or woman with that veteran hat or that young guy or gal in the wheel chair with a limb or two or three missing, or you see that man or woman at the bar crying at the bar with a full beer but an empty seat next to him/her just please take 5seconds out of your busy little 3day weekend and thank them for there service even you that serve now this is for you to thank that veteran because with out there service we wouldnt have the chance to have served and we also cant forget the families who there loved ones gave the ultimate sacrifice ... so for every man and woman who has served for our Beloved Country weather it be Marines Army Air force Navy Coastguard Police force Firefighter thank you and Happy veterans day and thank you and to the families who loved one is no longer here thank you for giving us such as wonderful gift this world has ever seen thank you and for you who are still serving thank you
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:35:08 +0000

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