Today the Almighty God will get involved with your - TopicsExpress


Today the Almighty God will get involved with your situation. You see when God gets involved with your situation he wipes tears away from your eye, he replaces your sorrow with joy. I prophesy to someone here today before the end of this month you will have something to sing about. When the kings saw Esther he raised a scepter towards her. Now raising the scepter towards here is an invitation Com’on here my queen., He beckoned to her, he is saying come. You see when the day of favor comes for you the Almighty God will beckon to you and say; my son come here, my daughter come here. And when you get a beckoning from the Almighty God, you will know yourself that things are about to change. The Lord said there is someone here today, he said from all indications are that you are cornered; He said I will get you out. The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said I have told you before and I am telling you again, that abandon project shall resurrect. In Exodus 3 v 3-4 The Bible said Moses was at the back side of the desert, he has been going there regularly for forty years, looking after the sheep of his father in law. But on the day that his destiny was going to be turned; a fire was burning and the bush was not consumed then Moses looked at and said what a great site. I will turn aside and see and the Almighty God called to him and said Moses, from that moment onward the history of Moses was never the same again. In 1 Samuel 16 v 11-13 I could imagine what happened when David was in the bush looking after his father’s sheep. I am praying for someone here today, in a way that you have not heard from God before, you will hear from him today. You never can tell how God is going to beckon to you, but He is already beckoning that is why you are here today. He is already saying to you your day of favor has come. I know there is someone here particularly who is coming for the first time, they have been inviting you but you have refused to come. And when God beckons you it is to bring you close to His power. The scepter that the king stretched towards Esther was the symbol of the king’s power. And the Bible says Esther went close to the king and touched the scepter. When you touched the scepter of the King of kings, not only will your own history begin to change, the history of your entire family, the history of your entire people will begin to change. At the same time, I am believing God because you are here today not only will your history as an individual change; the history of your family will change, and the history of any nation that you represent will change also in Jesus name. According to Esther 4 v 11 if you go before the king uninvited and he does not lift that scepter towards you, you will die. The fact that he lifted the scepter to Esther changed death to life for Esther. And there is someone here today, listen to me very carefully; very soon you are going to testify that God disappointed those who thought you are going to die. God says There is someone here the plan of the enemy is to kill you but because you came today death has been cancelled. I pray for someone here today, there will be no gathering for weeping for a long time. When you come in contact with the scepter of the most high God, dramatic changes will come because the scepter represent the power of God. In 2 king 2 v 9-22, the city of Jericho had known sorrow, they had known bareness, they are known curses, they had known death, they had known everything that was evil. Until the Almighty God said well the time to favor has come And He sent a prophet to them and suddenly the whole nation began to have tremendous joy because they had contact with the power of God. I am praying for everybody here today, as you leave here, you will go with the power of the Most High God. When the power of God begins to operate through you, it is not for you alone; it is for your people. It is for the needy, it is to help others who might need deliverance, who might need healing, who might need all kinds of miracles. But it gets more beautiful when Esther got to the king. The king said Esther, What is your request? I thought when you go to a big man, you should be the one who should say please sir, this is what I have come for. But here we find the king volunteering to help. When your day of favor comes the Almighty God will volunteer to help you. Esther, what is your request even to the half of the kingdom. The king volunteered help. There is somebody here today, the one God will use to make your joy to be full will volunteer help this week. the Almighty God decided that someone should volunteer help, before Esther asked, the king already said the answer is settled. When God decides to favor you, it guarantees an answer to all your prayers. When the time of favor comes all prayers will be answered. The Lord said there is someone here today; He said the anointing that will take you to the next level has been released. You know in Isaiah 65 v 24 the first time I read this passage, I could hardly believe it. God said before they call I will answer. I said this must be big. Do you know God is saying to someone here today that before you pray the answer will come? And the king did not say I will grant your request, he is saying I will give more than your request, even up to half of my kingdom. In 2Cronicle 1 v 6-15 when Solomon found favor with God and God said ask anything you want. Do you know after Solomon had asked for wisdom and understanding, God said is that all? He said what you didn’t ask for I will add. In 2 King 4 v 1-7 all that the widow of the son of the prophet asked for was enough money to pay all her debt, but the Almighty God provided so much for her that after she paid her debt she had enough to live on for the rest of her life. God can do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. When you read 1 Samuel 2 v 21 it will amaze you that all that Hannah asked for was a son. God gives me a son and I will give him back to you. But at the end of the day after God gave her Samuel and she handed him back to God. It doesn’t matter what you asked for today, the Almighty God will give you much more than you are asking for. I decree to somebody today, you will knock on one door, seven will open. The kings said I am willing to give you half of my kingdom. When you find favor with God, He makes the kingdom of heaven available to you!!!! RECEIVE,RECEIVE RECEIVE,IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:23:12 +0000

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