Unless anyone receives the mark, name or number of his name in his - TopicsExpress


Unless anyone receives the mark, name or number of his name in his hand or forehead he cannot buy, sell or trade. We see the beast authority divided by three aspects. Not the singular mark as most suggest. Many hold firm that the dreaded RFID microchip is the mark. Unless you interpret from a Hebrew perspective your meanings will be flawed. You must realize that there is a Dynamite TNT Deception of translations and transliterations. Translations are safe yet tricky when etymology is overlooked. Transliterations retain form yet change meanings as in Yahusha to Jesus. In this case lets consider the penalty of not having the threefold prerequisites to function in the beast society. Cant buy, sell or trade. Enquiring minds want to know, What can we do without the $1? Nothing!!! The $1 alone has 43 epithets of cryptic 666 numerology. That would cover the number of the beast. The phraseology hand or forehead presents a connotation. With your mind support the system. With your hands promote it. Themark is this pagan calendar in use today. The pagan solar calendar from Dan 7. In essence were actually spending the number of the beast daily. The number of man is six protons, six neutrons and six electrons equal with earth and the cosmos. These are for tones and vibrations as all planets possess them, pyramids and our language.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:27:05 +0000

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