Vacancy Announcements of National Consultants from“Strengthening - TopicsExpress


Vacancy Announcements of National Consultants from“Strengthening the Government Capacity of National Development Policy & Planning” Project: 1.National Consultant #1: Prepare the draft Development Policy and Planning Law and its Concept Paper National Consultant #2: Study the institutional structure for development planning and policy coordination and identify it’s the institution’s capacity building needs 2.Identify and propose an appropriate way to enlarge wealth of the social security fund and streamline opportunities to invest resources of social security funds 3.Create the database needed for preparing Development Policy 4.Study software used for investment planning and reporting and provide professional support for preparing the draft investment plan 5.Support the preparation of midterm investment plan of social service sectors 6.Evaluation of current M&E system of development policies in Mongolia: Announcement,ToR Eng, Mon
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 03:31:52 +0000

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