WARNING: BOGUS OFFICIAL/SCAM ALERT Please be aware we have - TopicsExpress


WARNING: BOGUS OFFICIAL/SCAM ALERT Please be aware we have received four reports today, Wednesday, from people in the Staffordshire Moorlands who have been contacted by a bogus official claiming to be a police officer. During the conversation the man requested bank details from the occupants of the homes, claiming that someone was in custody/someone had tried to buy items on a bank card/a bank card had been found, and police were investigating the theft of the occupants details. This is a scam. Fortunately no one has disclosed any personal details and rightfully contacted us. Please be advised police would never ask for bank details over the phone. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you not to give out personal details over the phone and never let anyone in your home that youre not expecting and cannot present ID which can be checked and verified. Call the police on 101 if you are suspicious and please remind elderly neighbours and family so they can avoid becoming a victim.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 13:55:55 +0000

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