WHATS SO SPECIAL ABOUT FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND BERRIES? Commandment VI: Thou Shalt Believe Your Mother Was Right: Eat Your Fruits, Vegetables, and Berries (FVBs) FVBs are no-fat, no cholesterol carbohydrates that provide the body with energy, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber and fluids. They do a few key things for the body: - Provides energy in foods your body can easily break down and utilize. Its your best well-rounded energy source. - Provides fiber, which serves as a time-release capsule, slowly and evenly releasing the carbohydrate energy into the bloodstream. Fiber helps to keep you regular which can prevent cancer from having the opportunity to replicate in the body. - Provides vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in food form -- so your body can absorb and utilize them -- which are key to blood health, bone health, energy metabolism, protecting the body from oxidation, and much more. - FVBs are 80-90% water and water is by far the nutrient most needed by the body ... water makes up part of every cell, tissue, and organ in the body ... for example, bone is more than 20% water, muscle is 75% water, and teeth are about 10% water. To avoid sickness/disease, feel better, look better, and live better probably the #1 thing you can do for yourself nutritionally is eat more FVBs.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:00:00 +0000

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