Wasnt gonna comment. Was SO gonna keep my trap shut and just vote - TopicsExpress


Wasnt gonna comment. Was SO gonna keep my trap shut and just vote my conscience on Saturday and be perfectly super happy finding a way to serve on Bylaws for both ADP and MCDP... But... Equity does not mean I allow you a damn thing. Equity means I proactively ensure that not only do I ensure you have a place at the table, I ensure that you can find it, get to it, claim it, advocate for yourself from it, and be heard without having to ask permission. Theres no allow there. You are not some poor victim class waiting for the great white savior to free you from your benighted state. You are a human being, with opinions and feelings and life experience, who can contribute meaningfully to a broader, richer, deeper understanding of the human condition. As a New England Liberal, proudly speaking from the democratic wing of the Democratic Party, I have long believed that the key to real, lasting, power and change comes not from deciding who is allowed in or kept out. It comes from empowering just as many people as we possibly can, even if only for a moment, even if only on one issue. Thats the sort of growth weve all been talking about. How do we move more people? How do we engage more people? How do we bring in more people? Its messy, and it will cause tension, and it will force us to become quick studies of what the President calls a better politics and what Ive always known as the way life should be. We could fail. But even if we do, even if we come out of reorganization totally destroyed, demographics are still destiny, and Arizona is still going to need a radical rethink of how we do business and who we are, or there will be catastrophe. That day will come, and I firmly believe when it does, Arizonans will find their voices. They will not first check with any party apparatchik, of any party, to see if they are allowed. We are not building an echo chamber. We are not holding this that or the other wing of the party accountable. We are not settling scores from years gone by. We are equipping a free people with the means of reclaiming their own voices, governing themselves, and casting off an oppressive government that spites their dignity and their human rights at every turn. Thats what I signed up to do. I have no earthly idea if Ill live to see the day that Brother Martins check is cashed, or that Harveys last closet door is burst. But I know this - I will seek out and take every opportunity I can find few more dollars in that bank and tear just one more door off its hinges, from now until the love runs out. I can no more imagine setting that work aside for some invented opportunity Im allowed to take any more than I can lay down and die.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 00:33:21 +0000

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