Water - The Great Mystery ! A MUST Watch Documentary - TopicsExpress


Water - The Great Mystery ! A MUST Watch Documentary Movie Fascinating film that travels the globe to reveal recent discoveries about water, the surprisingly least studied substance in the world. Witness as researchers, scientists, philosophers and theologians try to understand this unique liquid and all its miraculous properties. In this amazing film, Water, the great mystery, we can see that science has made a quantum leap into understanding how mind can be recorded the simplest element in nature. If water has memory, and its main component is hydrogen, the universe would have memory. Hydrogen was born between 100 and 1,000 seconds after the big bang. Constitutes 75% of the known mass of the universe and now is part of the missing mass equation. .................................................... 1.did you know that water knows you before you have it.? 2.did you know that water has a memory.? 3.did you ever analyze or realize that you too are made up of 70% Water... even Planet earth is 70% Water only. “Water is the driving force of all nature.” –Leonardo da Vinci ............................................................ Description : Water makes most of earths surface and most of our human bodies … but do we really know the secrets of this amazing element. From agriculture, to factories and hydro-power, we put water to work in a million different ways every day. And yet water acts outside all known physical laws of nature. At a time of global climate change understanding the mysteries of water is critical. Every living thing needs it to survive. Our ignorance of its function and capacities has lead us to abuse its quality and forget its potential. Witness WATER’s capacity and challenge historical assumptions. Unveil enlightened information and new scientific discoveries that create new possibilities for water’s use in every field of endeavor. These new discoveries go beyond human reckoning – beyond the solar systems and galaxies to the Source of life itself.. Featuring discoveries by researchers worldwide including Masaru Emoto from “What the Bleep Do We Know” … Witness recent, breathtaking discoveries by researchers worldwide from Russia, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Israel, the USA, Britain, Austria, Japan, Argentina, China and Tibet. The arguments expound upon unexpected and challenging assumptions “Just as with the film “What The Bleep Do We Know” , “Water” shows us through science that our thoughts have an effect on our external reality. Imagine the possibilities when people realize their own potential for creativity. Films like this give hopes that there is an emergence of collective intelligence that can solve the problems of the world.” Enjoy this Awesome Documentary movie :) youtube/watch?v=EjBB0Cl5K5c
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 00:04:40 +0000

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