Well now we’re up to the #1 song in the USA this week. It’s by - TopicsExpress


Well now we’re up to the #1 song in the USA this week. It’s by a woman who told her father at the young age of 11 that she: ”had an awesome voice and needed to record it.” Today nine year’s later, this woman is singing the #1 song in the USA. In the span of a few months, this woman has gone from relative obscurity, to having one of the catchiest songs of the entire year. Although many of us are just now getting to know this 20-year-old singer, she’s been making the rounds in the music business for years. She began in the industry at the age of 11, thanks to her will and support from her musician dad, Gary Trainor. This singer told Nantucket Today in 2012: “When I was 11, I came home from school and told my dad that I had an awesome voice and I needed to record it. At that point I started singing and writing all the time.” Over the next few years, she gained experience in a band (Island Fusion), as a solo artist and as an award-winning songwriter. At 16, she gained some recognition for Take Care of Our Soldiers, leading a local radio personality to deem her “one to watch.” “The voice and the wisdom and the lyrics and the songs… She’s just got that magical combination,” The Cheap Seat’s Cat Wilson told Cape Cod Times in 2010. “She absolutely sees the entire world in song, and it’s a rare artist who can do that.” Well today at the age of 20 and just nine short year’s after telling her Dad she “needed to record her voice,” this singer has taken the entire world by storm with her first chart single. In it, she sings about body confidence, which she’s admitted to struggling with over the years, particularly in high school. She told Billboard magazine: “I was always a little insecure. Girls need to be treated better. I never got that growing up.” Well this week this woman definitely isn’t insecure anymore, not only has she come to terms with struggling with body acceptance, she’s done it with the song that once again, is the biggest hit in the land! The #1 song in the USA for a third week is: “All About That Bass” by, Meghan Trainor. https://youtube/watch?v=7PCkvCPvDXk
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:40:37 +0000

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